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Ok guys...be as honest as possible here!


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Hey everyone,

I am not going to beat around the bush here...so I will just let it all out!

Do guys honestly like girls with large breasts, or do they find very large ones somewhat repulsive?

Also, are more curvacious women preferred over thin, tiny women? So many guys say different things...I just want to know the truth already!

So guys....can you be as honest as possbible here!

I have larger breasts and i am average weight...not super skinny but an athletic build..but I have a lot more curves than other women. I am always trying to lose weight but I just don't think it suits my frame to be super skinny. Do i have reason to be so paranoid??

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Im a medium type of guy, allthough i prefer personality over breasts.

i have had relationships with big breated medium weight people and with ppl like Skinny and small and all sorts of possible sizes/weights.

Admitadly bigger ones are nicer but too big and they are crap, take Jordan for example, i mean, Honestly they look horrible. but at the opposite end, too small and well...

DOesnt matter really, myself = medium lover. nothing small, nothing big

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Jordan aka Katie Price is a model with very large breasts (DD+, as far as I know). do a google image search if u are that curious.


Society as a whole seems to enjoy the idea of large breasts. So in that sense I can say that guys seem to like big breasts. You are going to find difference of opinion when you talk to individual guys. Society would also say that being thin is better than "curvacious". I believe that guys as a whole would say that they like a girl to be Thin to Average.

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Lola, if he is really honest with himself a MAN will fall in love with a woman no matter what her breast size, after all Love is what really matters right? Why would any self respecting woman want to be with a man who loves her for her boobs? Who are these women who go under the knife just to please a man? I've dated all sizes and I can honestly say that when it comes to falling in love with a woman I fall in love with ALL OF HER , inside and out , and breast size never had anything to do with it. The only time breast size was an issue was when I was with a woman just for her body and that gets old really quick because there are no real feelings involved! Sure we are attracted to them but when all is said and done there's more to a woman than her breast size

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I am glad there are guys out there like you Miquel...

It is easy to think that but when a girl keeps running into the same guys over and over it is hard to believe it sometimes. I know that my breast size does not determine who I am as a person. I just always wondered what the attraction was and if it did in fact exist for most men. It is something I am aware of all the time whether i want to be or not. I would never want to be with someone who likes me only for my physical appearance. But the truth of the matter is, the initial attraction has to be there in most cases....I just fear that I may not be what most guys are looking for.

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Well it only takes 1 guy to like you don't worry about the masses. Who knows maybe there are guys attracted to you who really like you, but maybe they're kinda shy . Open your eyes you might meet one. I used to be very shy and I missed a few opportunities to meet some very nice girls, so I know what I am talking about.

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I can't make a tit laugh.


I can't take a tit out to a movie.


I can't pull out a chair for a tit.


I can't play scrabble with a tit.


I can't look lovingly into a tit's eye and tell it that it looks beautiful.


I can't reminisce about the good old days with a tit.


I can't call a tit at it's job and tell it that I love it so much and that I miss my widdle widdle tittie.


I can't have tickle fights with tits... well, maybe I can.


My point is, whatever type of person you are will determine how your man feels for you. Or at least it should. Personally, I like petite women or women with curves. Doesn't matter to me. It's a shame how society influences us with looks/boobs/butts, ect. Honestly, I go for a pretty face first off, and I notice the other parts later. Large boobs are what I call the batteries included with the toy that I just got and not having to spend an extra $2. Didn't Mr. Rogers say you're fine just the way you are, big boobs or not? That's what I say.

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Ok guys....I am seeing some interesting points.

Now I am wondering what it is that initially attracts you to a woman if her breasts don't matter so much. I know some of you said face, personality etc....

But is there a certain something about a woman that just sends out a spark?? I hate the attention that I get for the size of my breasts because I like to think that I have a good personality, I love to laugh and smile, and I am not a ditsy girl either. But, the truth of the matter is, in my eyes the fact that I am built the way I am gives me somewhat negative attention. I guess what I am asking you all is...if there is a girl with larger breasts....large enough to get your attention...would you automatically think she is a certain way because of that?? Be honest, do you automaticllay place a label on girls who look a certain way??Or are you telling me that some of you don't even notice the physical until after....because I find that hard to believe!

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I notice the physical, it makes me want to know the girl more if I'm attracted to her. But I never judge anyone's personality based on what they look like because that's dumb. I prefer a "curvy" girl, but there are some slimmer ones that are nice too. It really depends on the girl and how she presents herself. I consider myself a "breast man" but that doesn't mean that I haven't liked girls that don't have bigger ones. Attractiveness comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. There's someone for everyone because every body has unique tastes. And I always say, don't believe that people are judging you based on one thing (e.g. your boobs). Because some people are, but maybe most of them aren't. Smile and they'll notice that before anything else, the rest will be a bonus to guys who are interested.


Also, consider that when someone sees you, the first thing they see is not your personality, It's your face and your body, and that's what determines (in most cases) if they're interested in you. Physical attraction opens the door, talking gets your foot in the door, and personality gives you a place to stay.

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In my opinion the fascination with breasts comes from the fact that they are so prominent and noticeable, particularly if they are rather large in size. Admittedly, if you are looking at a girl based just upon looks, breasts are something that will get noticed. But thankfully, most people have more respect and courtesy than that. And trust me, any guy who says they like a particular breast type will be changing there minds once they get to know the person. It's who you are on the inside that matters. For most guys, any size breasts will do as long as they connect with the person.


As for what makes a girl attractive in my eyes, it is personality, intelligence and heart. If I notice someone physically, it is a brief superficial glance that gets forgotten almost immediately afterwards. If I had to say something physical that is attractive, give me a warm smile. It shows that the girl is happy, and the sweetest thing you'll ever see is a happy girl.


I say, be happy with whatever you have. How you look has nothing to do with who you are as a person. Anyone who would judge you based on appearance is wrong and isn't worth your time. Focus on being proud of who you are and respecting and loving yourself, don't give a thought to what others think.

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Ok well this is what I wrote in another but similar post:


- Straightened medium length hair (can be blonde or brunette)

- Dark blue eyes (gray)

- Thin, just not anorexically thin. But overall thin is good.

- Baby-ish sounding voice. Not one of those creepy voices though like that really short chick in Poltergeist lol.

- Thin legs- medium legs *NO cellulite*(Girls if you plan on wearing a skirt make sure you use that type of cream stuff to hide it, or do a lot of leg workouts at a workout place.)


Personality traits:

- A girl that can see the inner you. Not one of those girls that are a prep and will only date preps because their too shallow and lazy to go explore and meet cool people out there....I HATE that.

- Humorous that can actually make me laugh.

- A girl that likes to work out, it shows me that they have self-respect for themselves.

- A girl thats talkative. (lol probably can get one of those anywhere)

- A girl who doesn't care if a date is sitting and watching movies at one or the other persons house because she loves you and only wants to be around you she isn't there for the $$ and the spending at the real movies and $ spending at resturants and etc. Golddiggers are a turn-off. Us guys are broke as it is lol. Unless your of course Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

- A girl that doesn't care if your one of those guys that hang with people that don't look like your type of friend (Basketball wigger hanging with a snowboarder).

*Important*- A girl that brings out the kid in yourself. Life is so boring, why would we want to date someone into the same repetitive boring dates? Live a little!, do something out of the ordinary like go play minature golf even if you don't know. And most guys really aren't into chicks who are study-a-holics, all about success.

- A girl that can tease me like I tease her (playfully).


Basically that sums it up.


Oh yeah a few things about clothes

-Abercrombie looks good

-showing of stomach (anything close to a 6 pack looks hot)

-showing of legs(Cellulite I think looks kinda gross) (like wearing a skirt, any brand doesn't matter.)

-Stuff from Pacsun and stuff is good.

-Chicks that wear beanies usually look hot.

- Tight pants preferably jeans

-Black shirts (humans are more attracted to people with black in the upper torso; scientifically proven.)

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I'm willing to bet that the person you end up with is not going to have most of those qualities, especially the physical things and clothing. You'll go for the personality traits. Just a thought that maybe your expecting too much. You'll change your mind in a few years.


Like the thought about the inner kid though. Only thing, what's wrong with studyaholics? Smart girls are hot.

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I'm willing to bet that the person you end up with is not going to have most of those qualities, especially the physical things and clothing. You'll go for the personality traits. Just a thought that maybe your expecting too much. You'll change your mind in a few years.


Like the thought about the inner kid though. Only thing, what's wrong with studyaholics? Smart girls are hot.


I don't think he's expecting too much, he's just saying what he finds attractive. I'm sure regardless of whether or not he ends up with the person with those qualities, He'll still be with someone who's attractive to him. Asking too much is when you go into specifics about mostly every characteristic. He's not asking for something that's hard to find.


As for me, I've found that my tastes have changed. I'm more attracted to girls who are open about their feelings and such. Also, I don't find alot of celebrities as gorgeous as I used to think they were. Preferences do change over time, I agree with that.

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Yeah, that's kinda true Shy. Well I don't really know though, I'm not in college yet. Well and yeah there not going to have most of those qualities, but hey just saying what would be like if everything were perfect about a girl those are what her characteristics would be. Clothing doesn't matter that much to me really, whatever looks good and isn't ripped rags from a thrift store I'm ok with .

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Hey, its fine to imagine your dreamgirl. But it always turns out that the girl you end up with isn't her. The one you end up with always blows that dream girl away. To quote a song, "She wasn't at all what I was looking for, she's more."

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Hey, its fine to imagine your dreamgirl. But it always turns out that the girl you end up with isn't her. The one you end up with always blows that dream girl away. To quote a song, "She wasn't at all what I was looking for, she's more."


lol, is this from experience?

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Thanks guys...you are putting things in perspective for me.

Just a comment on this whole dream girl issue....

I find it difficult to imagine a dream "guy", because when I do I find that the guys I meet never seem to measure up. I dated a guy for a while, I thought he was the man of my dreams, but things changed, people change. I just don't think a dream girl/guy can exist because what you want changes all the time.

Maybe this is my problem....I can't meet a guy who will change my mind for me...maybe we all do have a dream guy or girl but I have yet to meet mine...and as a result I am bitter! I have been hurt a lot...its hard to hope for someone who seems to never come!

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Oh But don't give up Lola. In fact when you stop looking for someone surely enough thats when He will show up. I met a wonderful woman and that was about 10 months after deciding I prefer to be alone. Seems like we have to go through a little hell before we can fully appreciate our own little heaven.

Just remember to be true to yourself, never settle for less.

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