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Hii!! So if any of you have read my previous posts then you will know that i am in an emotionally abusive marriage. My husband controls me, treats me like i am stupid, would roll his eyes over smallest of things, etc. Recently i had a fight with him and i had gone back to my parents house for a few days. When i came back he expected things to be back to normal ( i was forced to come back. There was no effort from his side). Well, then i told him that i need more time and things cant just go back to the way they were, especially sexually ( which was horrible before as well).

So well since that day we havent had any contact. Not even casual touching. There were a few times when i went and hugged him but he didnt hug me back. So anyways last night he suddenly wants to have sex again. So i just told him that we have to move gradually. Its not like we dont even touch each other and now u suddenly want sex. So he simply said "i will only do it now when u ask".

I dont know what i should do anymore. Well actually i know what i want to do. I guess i just need some moral and emotional support till i can actually take a final step.

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I'll give you the gentle nudge..


You need to leave, life is too short to be this unhappy. It's time you divorce and get on with your life.


This guy is just beating you down. I don't take divorce lightly and neither do I take emotional or physical abuse lightly either!


Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical because it can really tear you up inside.


You have inner strength.


I say you do this!


You will be happier in the long run.





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It is what it is.


You've been in a non-marriage. Once you understand that, the missing action pieces will fall into place.

Don't be surprised, if at that time, your husband begins to change. (Fear of losing something important.)


If he does, you can decide if you were ever comparable in the first place.

If yes, you may want to renegotiate the marriage.

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I'll give you the gentle nudge..


You need to leave, life is too short to be this unhappy. It's time you divorce and get on with your life.


This guy is just beating you down. I don't take divorce lightly and neither do I take emotional or physical abuse lightly either!


Emotional abuse is just as bad as physical because it can really tear you up inside.


You have inner strength.


I say you do this!


You will be happier in the long run.






Thank u for your support. I know what i have to do. I forgot to mention in the poat that we have a 1 year old. She is the only reason i keep trying to stay.

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