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Do you think my ex girlfriend will contact me?


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Hi guys , I'll try keep this as short as possible but there's a bit to explain.


I was with my girlfriend for just under 2 years. We had a very passionate relationship with lots of plans for the future upcoming event and a vacation booked and paid for too.


But About 1 month ago my ex broke up with me through text saying she did not want to be in a relationship and was to young to be tide down. I'm 22 she is 19. I was shocked , our relationship was not perfect but I did not see this coming. Especially becasue we had a big vacation booked and we were meant to go away in the next 2.5 weeks from when she ended it.


I was crushed and tried everything to try and sort things out and talk to her but she wouldn't talk to me and just kept hanging up and getting angry that I was trying not to contact her. but when I finally got in contact after a few days she told me she kissed another guy already and that we need to move on. I told her okay and said I'm cancelling our vacation because I don't want to go away with her after all this. 2 days after that she called me begging me to come back and for us to be back together, she literally begged and told me she made a huge mistake. I told her that this was so unfair and that I think we should talk after we cancel the vacation as I wanted to make sure she wasn't trying to stay together to go away. back. So we canceled it and she was pissed.


She told me to leave her alone so I did. I started moving on and hanging around with other girls and doing anything the relationship sites say when moving on. My ex then called me 2 days later again for a booty call but tried to convince me that she missed me because she knew I wouldn't come over for a booty call if she was using my feelings against me.

I said no and the next morning she said sorry for calling. I said if you want to keep it at sex then okay but that's it and don't mess with my emotions.


We proceeded to be friends with benefits for a week and half, we didn't fight once, we actually got on better than we ever did before and she told me that she's never loved me or found me more good looking more than she does right now, I'm guessing it was because I was being very direct and manly about the friends with benefit and not being all emotional and talking about feeling and our relationship.


She eventually said she couldn't be friends with benefits and she would do anything to fix this. I told her that I need her to prove that she loves me and that she isn't going to dump me any time she feels like it and that I must be a priority and not an option because I am worth more than how she treated me. She had a weekend trip planned with her friends for the next day and told me as soon as she is back she will do everything to prove her love to me, and sent me a long message about what she's going to do. I still didn't trust her but said okay.


She went away, she called me and text me while away saying she needs me and loves me more than anybody. I told her that's great that When she gets back we will sort this. Again , I did not trust her especially after dumping me and kissing a guy already. She then lost her phone at a concert that weekend and when she came back she text me to tell me she was back on Facebook. I asked if she wanted to meet up to talk and she said no, I asked why and she saodnshe was hanging with friends (the friends she was away with all weekend) and told me I'm smothering her. So I left it. I called her a day later to ask if she meant what she said and if she will fix things , she said no because everything is intense and she thinks I should move on. So I decided to not initiate any contact fromt side ever again.


So I went out with a friend who was a girl that day and that friend put a picture up of us 2 at a bar having drinks. That night my ex text me on Facebook saying she was happy I was moving on and to not let any girl me over and that I'm too good for that. I didn't reply and decided to wait till the next day , I read it but noticed she block me on all social media. She would block then unblocked and post pictures up to make me jealous or show that she's moving on with all these crazy plans she had over the next few months...trips away, festivals, concerts, vacations to party single people places and so on.


About a week after this she text me about the refund for our vacation, I didn't reply for 2 days and told her to call the travel agency and check for herself. she said she did and told me how frustrating it is waiting on the refund, I didn't reply.


I'm not on day 14 of no contact , she has me blocked on everything and hasn't reached out for anything other than the vacation refund?


I want her to call me or text me and actually tell me she wants to be with me , and that she means it and cut the bull , because she's blowing hot and cold and I can't take her word , I only her to take action. I really miss her a lot, but I don't want to show her that because I want to hold onto my self respect. I have been focusing on improving myself and looking at mistakes I made in the relationship so in future I can't be a better man/partner to her or somebody else, but I really want her.


Do you think she will contact me again?


What goes through a girls mind when she doesn't know what she really wants ?


Any replies or insight would be great , thank you for reading

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Don't concentrate on whether she will contact you again focus on moving on. She ended it by text, she at least owed you a face to face conversation. I know it hurts now but if she contacts yoyo while not wanting to get back together its going to make your pain last a lot longer. So go no contact and start thinking about yourself and what you want from your life

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Thanks a lot Kathy. It's so hard to accept because she would never act like this normally and it makes no sense in my head. She got a new job and was in the middle of exams at the time but I was supportive and there for her . Honestly I think I was too nice and too emotional and wasn't enough of a man for her , which is why she begged me back and loved me during friends with benefits. What I want from my life is to focus on my purpose and my own goals, but also have her in my life but by her choice and her efforts because if i try to get her back she will walk all over me. For now I'm focusing on moving on, it just hurts

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She's young too so maybe we can just chalk it down to that , I really didn't do anything wrong to her, I just treated her like she was my whole life which turned her off so instead of talking to me about it she just got rid of me, and ironically I feel more cantered and stronger now and I'm comfortable enough to admit my flaws and grow as a person

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do you think I should reach out and try fool around with her ? Or would that ruin things in the future of it doesn't work out ? I don't want her memories of me to just be friends with benefits I would like to think I meant more haha but maybe that's all she wants

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Are you a man, or a yo-yo.

Keeping yourself available for fwb or booty call would make you a yo-yo.

Moving on and allowing for a real relationship where someone likes you back-the same way you like them, well it's hard to find- really.

There will be many who can't or won't, and many that you might not be sure about either.

Just let it go, there's a lot of experience out there waiting for you to take part in it.

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I don't want her memories of me to just be friends with benefits I would like to think I meant more haha but maybe that's all she wants


You've already answered the question yourself. Dont lower yourself to fwb you deserve so much more than that!

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