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Telling bf about meeting ex?


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RED FLAG flapping and why are you ignoring it?

You are talking marraige with a guy that you barely know, yet come on here asking if you should mention a friendly lunch meet with an ex?

All that tells me Is how little you know your current bf , you have no idea of what his reaction would be.

I think tell him, his response will only serve to getting to know more about him, trust issues or lack of , because someone that intense so soon may actually be somewhat controlling and better find out sooner rather than later.

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I think I might be the only person here that thinks this....but you've been dating a month, not a year....I wouldn't tell him. Who cares? You guys are new.


My fiancé met up with an ex in the first 6 months we dated. He didn't tell me. I was mildly annoyed with him for not telling me...but then I realized...it just wasn't a big deal to him. His ex didn't matter to him- she is just one his friends (not a close friend), and while he was back home visiting all of his other friends, he met her for coffee.


I will say this though...if it wasn't a big deal to you in some way, you wouldn't be on a forum asking....it wouldn't even be on your radar.

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