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So I've gone no contact with my ex for the sake of space and so it can help me move on. Well she texted me happy birthday and I thought I'd a least aknowledge her, to not be rude. I told her thanks and she then asked me if we're not friends anymore....what's should I tell her? I don't feel like hurting her feelings either.

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Just my suggestion, and it depends on your situation: maybe try saying something like, "you had a special place in my life, in my past. Now I have let go of you and I feel we cannot be friends. Thank you for reaching out to me, and I hope you are doing well. Goodbye."


With keeping your wish to not hurt her feelings in mind, I would try to write something that you are comfortable with and that you truly mean. Nothing to provoke her or get any kind of reaction from her. The point of it is to be kind, selfless, but still protecting yourself and taking care of your emotional wellbeing.

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I am assuming that she ended things with you. If that is the case you do not need to worry about hurting her feelings. This is her choice. She should have the decency to let you heal. In that respect, she isn't considering your feelings at all.


Space will help you to move on in the quickest way possible. Be honest with her, tell her you are not ready to be friends and that you would appreciate it if she would respect that.

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