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Five guys rented a hotel room and we're going to split equally. The friend of one of the guys (a lady) got stranded and called her friend and he asked her to come over. The other 4 guys all agreed as well. Since the room was full already, she had to sleep on the floor. Is it fair for the guys to want to split the bill equally with her? Should she pay at all? Is it okay if she pays but offers half of what the others are paying? Thoughts

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The share should then be split six ways. It's up to her friend if he wants to pay her share for her.


She can visit a shelter for free or pay for her own room if she's not keen on the new split. It's not just her being an extra body. She also changed the dynamic from what was previously all guys.

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She should pitch in on the cost, and that she gets the floor is fine since she was last minute, unplanned, and all the single beds were taken. She shared the space and bath, the others didn't get it for free, and it impacted everyone's stay to some extent, so yes, she can share the cost. How much is fair? It would be nice of her to pay an equal share, even though she got the floor, because she was an unplanned latecomer. If she was part of the original plan and volunteered for the floor, then fine paying less.

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The guy who invited her should pay her share, and if he wants to true that up with her afterward by letting her pay for his breakfast, that's between them.


This way, the other guys get a price break for having the dynamic of their stay changed last minute, hero guy gets to be the hero, and whutsurname gets to repay the hero guy.

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