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I had a recently rough breakup and I had just been able to pull myself together and not let it bother me about a few weeks ago. I'm happy and things are going good but just a few days ago my ex started talking to me again and my grip on my will is weakening. I feel like I'm slipping back into the want to chase her and get her back. Her talking to me makes remember how much I still feel for her and how badly I want to get her back. Does anyone know what to do or have any advice?

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I had a recently rough breakup and I had just been able to pull myself together and not let it bother me about a few weeks ago. I'm happy and things are going good but just a few days ago my ex started talking to me again and my grip on my will is weakening. I feel like I'm slipping back into the want to chase her and get her back. Her talking to me makes remember how much I still feel for her and how badly I want to get her back. Does anyone know what to do or have any advice?


Maybe you have to go NC for a very long time? It will be hard, but it can help you heal faster

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If your ex was the one who broke up with you, then I would agree with the nc. If that's impossible due to your professions then just have as little contact with her as possible and keep it strictly professional. She likely just misses the friendship and wants to talk but doesn't want the relationship back. If it was you who broke it off however, then I would think long and hard about why you broke it off and figure out if it's something you can work through. If so, then go ahead and try to win her back. If not, then my original advice still stands. Nip this in the bud now and redirect your energy and focus before this snowballs.

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