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It seems like I always text first.


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I have been talking to a man I met on Facebook for about six months. Recently, we started texting and talking about meeting up ( we live on opposite sides of the country ). I really like him and he says he really likes me. The only thing is I feel like I'm usually the one starting the conversation. Every once in awhile he will text me first but the last time was more than a week ago. Once I do text him we keep up the conversation as best we can because of the time difference but I am starting to feel a bit uncomfortable always being the first to talk.


What should I do? I have been thinking about just not saying anything to him and holding out until he talks to me but I'm worried that It might come off the wrong way. I really like him and am really excited about meeting up but I'm not sure if he's just bad at starting conversations and he will think I don't want to talk to him anymore or if I feel more deeply than he does. Any advice would be appreciated.

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I have been talking to a man I met on Facebook for about six months. Recently, we started texting and talking about meeting up ( we live on opposite sides of the country ). I really like him and he says he really likes me. The only thing is I feel like I'm usually the one starting the conversation. Every once in awhile he will text me first but the last time was more than a week ago. Once I do text him we keep up the conversation as best we can because of the time difference but I am starting to feel a bit uncomfortable always being the first to talk.


What should I do? I have been thinking about just not saying anything to him and holding out until he talks to me but I'm worried that It might come off the wrong way. I really like him and am really excited about meeting up but I'm not sure if he's just bad at starting conversations and he will think I don't want to talk to him anymore or if I feel more deeply than he does. Any advice would be appreciated.

There is no such thing. He is just not that into you .Sorry.

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How did you meet on Facebook, is he a friend of someone you know? If not, how do you even know he is who he says he is? Have you entered his name, occupation, town etc on google to see what comes up? What would you do if he asked for money? There's too many variables on the Internet, for all you know he could be married if you just found him 'cold' outside of your circle of friends. So, who and what is he?

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if he really likes you he will have no problem starting a convo and he won't think you don't want to talk to him if you don't text. that is just bull.....i agree with previous posters, makes sure you know he is who he says he is and don't just assume things. i would not just go and meet a guy i am not sure even exists, so be careful, either way he doesn't sound all that interested....also be careful with developing "feelings" for someone you don't know! you just have to be careful these days....

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Do you see him worrying that you will think he is not interested when he doesn't message you? No. So, don't do it either.

It sounds like he's mainly replying to you just to be polite, because you keep initiating conversations. He doesn't sound all that interested, he probably has a life outside of Facebook and dating girls in real life.

The only thing to be done here is back off and stop contacting him. If he messages you great, if he doesn't, great again, because he is a stranger so no big loss.

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I have been talking to a man I met on Facebook for about six months. Recently, we started texting and talking about meeting up ( we live on opposite sides of the country ).


Just stop it, find someone local. Long distance relationships simply don't work. Don't bother......

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He is bored of texting a woman he hasn't met and doesn't know if he ever will meet. To be completely frank, you should be as well.


I'm certain there are local guys looking to mingle, or at least guys in your half of the country. Don't get yourself swept up in a situation like this.

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Your choices are to either stop messaging him and let the whole thing go, or ask him what the two of you are aiming for, exactly. If you're not willing to do either of those, then you won't get any information and will likely just stay in this perpetual non-relationship.

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