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kicking myself


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So It's been 3 months today ,nc the whole time and I'm feeling better and better.


A couple weeks after me and my ex split I bumped into her best friend and we spoke for a few mins and it was all very friendly , she asked me how I was ect about the break and I said I missed my ex ect and probaly asked about my ex too much and said to have a word with her and try and get her to come back ,it was all said in a jokey way and we had both had a small drink ..,


then a few days after that i saw her again ! and I went up to her and said hi and I asked how my ex was ect and she didn't seem to want to talk too much ..... I feel I looked so weak asking about my ex a few times to her ,i feel looking back i was acting a bit weird and she would have obviously gone back and told her and to make matters worse I was on a date with a girl .....


This was months ago and I am still kicking myself about it and feel it will have pushed my ex away further ....

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Try not to be so hard on yourself. Break ups are hard enough. Flogging yourself doesn't help.

You now know better. Shake it off.

You aren't this first person to do this and you won't be the last. It's pretty typical.

Healing is never a straight line. Starts, stalls and spurts along the way.

Be kind to yourself and let this go.

Hang in there!

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Why are you dating? ( and asking someone about your Ex?)

Obviously you are NOT over her or the break up yet. Why do you feel you need to start dating again??


Why don't you back off dating for another few months and get yourself back together?


You need to stop worrying about your Ex and start worrying about yourself. It's been 3 mos. Of course you're not going to be over her yet. This takes time.

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Well I went on that date because in thought it would make me feel better , it didn't and I haven't dated since .


I'm just over thinking everything and trying to find reasons she hasn't contacted me when the real resin she isn't interested ...... just sucks I wanted to feel better by now


I said to her friend that I worry if she doesn't let go of her past she will be stuck in it forever which in hindsight wasn't a good thing to say ...... that's if she told my ex

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