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Please don't break no contact - at least not for now. I'm six weeks into mine (42 days today). It hurts but think of yourself. You never know how the other person will react and that is the temptation, but it may not be the reaction you want if you're keen to find out. Keep reminding yourself what a wonderful person you are. Concentrate on what you'd like to do. Even thinking of it helps even if you can't afford. Talk to people you trust. Keep posting on here, but don't break no contact.

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You've done 8 days... just over a week.

Keep your mind as busy as possible. Divert yourself away from that phone, when the urge hits.

Just keep reminding yourself of the possible Negative outcome, should you do it..


Listen to music.. watch tv.. go for a walk..bake.. write.. etc. Anything else but contact!


One day at a time.... this will ease off more as each day passes.. give it time.

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