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Work life balance - getting nervous with 2nd baby coming


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9 weeks left till bambino number 2 comes along, and I'm a bit scared. The first kid, it was 66 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, and then a C-section since he didn't wanna come out, followed with a month of the runs, and months of pain, I never had a qualm about any of it. With the second kid, I really wonder how I'm gonna be able to work as the same capacity as the breadwinner, be a good mom (with a newborn/infant) and breastfeed, and still show my crazy three year that he's still my baby too. Cleaning the house, staying sane. To be honest, I'm also kind of scared of pushing that kid out that is already on track to be gigantic even though I've only gained 14 lbs.


I guess I'm not sure what my question is - I mean, all I can say is that it's gonna be alright. It doesn't help that I don't have the nursery done, a bag packed, and ugh, hubby and I need to start stretching the va-va-jay-jay starting tomorrow. My hubby has been working 12 hour days, so with me working 10 to 12 hours a day too, how do people really do it? How do single parents do it? How do people with 3 young kids do it? How do people who own their own businesses do it.


I have great stay at home mom friends - but definitely can't relate to being a working mom business owner.

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Oh - Prenatal Perineal Massage to prevent tearing or avoid an episiotomy where they cut you. Yikes! Hmm - I don't want to explain much further to avoid grossing you out. When I was 19, my roommate at the time told me about episiotomies, and I was horrified, since I've never heard about them before. Granted, you can just wikipedia about it, and get grossed out yourself.


My hubby was working from home part-time, and took care of our kid three days a week, with two of them, where our kid was in daycare. 18 months later, it moved to three days a week he was in daycare. Then when he turned 2 and a half, hubby started working full-time, so he's three days in daycare, and two days with my dad, who also has zero desire to watch a baby. So I'm planning to still keep his routine, but with the baby, work from home on Wednesdays for six months, and the other days have the baby in daycare. After that, have not thought too far - it's just strange knowing daycare people are spending more time with your baby then family is.

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Do you have moms who are home full time but used to work crazy hours (like I did) -they might be able to relate and more importantly be a sort of back-up for child care (I'm sure you would reciprocate on a weekend or return the favor). I think that people in your situation use day care/back-up babysitter and sometimes an au pair because then you have a live-in and more flexibility but it might not be much more expensive because of the au pair situation.


Good luck and best wishes on a continued smooth pregnancy!

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