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What do I do now?


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Hi everyone! I'm completely lost. I quit a great job and changed cities to move in with someone who was supposed to be the love of my life. Over a year has gone by and now he doesn't want to get married. Or at least, he doesn't want to right now. He basically proposed before I moved but now it's turned into something for the distant future and he won't even give me a good reason. On top of it all, he isn't the best of people. He is grouchy, irritable, he snaps at me and his daughter (who lives with us). He is a good man and I do love him but he is not the person I thought he was. But, when I talk about leaving he cries and begs me not to go. So now I'm in a city that isn't great, living with a man (which I said I would never do) and I don't even like my job that much. I'm turning 32 soon. Should I leave? I'm thinking about just quitting everything and moving to California. Or Texas. Or anywhere. Ideas? Thank you.

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Well he baited you in with the proposal and pulls that out once he has you. I think nothing is going to change so you should decide if you want to be dating the grouch in a situation you don't like.


Good for you taking a chance, but this is how a distance relationship goes. Everything is roses while you have your own lives and just chat, the rubber hits the road when you're living together and you get to see how the person actually is. He is no longer on his best behavior. In this case...he's not what he presented. If anything it was perhaps just all a fantasy, but it seems like you we're tricked.


I say move on. California is pretty nice. Good luck

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On top of it all, he isn't the best of people. He is grouchy, irritable, he snaps at me and his daughter (who lives with us). He is a good man and I do love him but he is not the person I thought he was. But, when I talk about leaving he cries and begs me not to go.


Maybe he has similar thoughts about you and that is the reason why he is not sure about the marriage thing. Maybe he thinks she is not the person I expected her to be. Sometimes people grow apart with time and looking at the bigger picture...if you are not happy, maybe it is better to go separate ways. And yes California is AWESOME! Don't mind our drought and high grocery prices. LOL

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Hi Delamer, what you do now is formulate an exit plan. And never again live with a man before you are engaged to him. You gave him all the perks of marriage, which took away any incentive he had to change the arrangement. And btw, I met the man I married at 32. It was just the right time. Don't let this one keep wasting YOUR time.

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My first order of business would be to see if I could get my 'great job' back. If they'd rehire you, you'd have a nice starting point to look forward to. From there you could stash money and then travel around to learn where you may want to move someday.


Regardless, I'd get myself out of this mess with Mr. Irritable. He pulled a bait and switch, and the tears to manipulate you into stagnation won't buy you back any wasted time to live over again.


Head high, and move FORward.

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