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It's taken me awhile, and I'm sure there are sure to be some more speed bumps ahead of me and more down days here and there... But after almost 3 months now of being sad, depressed, and feeling worthless... I'm ready to start picking up the pieces and attempt to be happy again.


I battled with it for awhile but deep down I know everything wasn't all my fault. I know it had to happen. I know I did my best and gave it my everything. I wasn't perfect but I know I was a good boyfriend and I know I'll be an even better one in my next relationship because of this.


I just had a nice bon-fire and burned everything that I had left that tied me emotionally to my ex. A scrapbook she made me, a blanket she quilted for me... a few other little things she left behind in my house. It was more therapeutic than I thought it'd be. I didn't feel anger or hate or sadness like I expected to when I stared down at the ashes after the fire went out. I just felt... at peace.


3 months ago I never would've expected to ever feel good about myself or life again in general. But for everyone out there going through the hell I've been going through, it does get easier and you will reach peace of mind eventually.


I feel better for a change. Let's hope this lasts!

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Glad you are feeling so good!


I was feeling the same way until last weekend, but kind of been a struggle this week. So you are right to be wary of the speed bumps ahead, but for now, enjoy the fact that you are improving and on the right road to healing!


Take care.

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