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You've been "dating" for one year and you have a child?


This is why you don't jump into things with strangers and you always wear a rubber so that unwanted children aren't conceived. I think that had you waited to learn more about her, you wouldn't have continued to date her.


As for your "what if" question: I have to ask you a question before I answer: How long ago did she advertise for stranger sex and how soon after you met her did she announce her pregnancy? The answer to those questions would tell me exactly what I would do.


Really doesn't matter what we would do. What will YOU do now that you've discovered her past(?) proclivities?

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I can understand your disgust and pain, but maybe she led a completely different life before you. I had an ex who would (at least to my knowledge) get online and look at sexual encounters. I don't agree with it, especially if you're in a relationship. Has she done this while you two have been together?

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You've been "dating" for one year and you have a child?


This is why you don't jump into things with strangers and you always wear a rubber so that unwanted children aren't conceived. I think that had you waited to learn more about her, you wouldn't have continued to date her.


As for your "what if" question: I have to ask you a question before I answer: How long ago did she advertise for stranger sex and how soon after you met her did she announce her pregnancy? The answer to those questions would tell me exactly what I would do.


Really doesn't matter what we would do. What will YOU do now that you've discovered her past(?) proclivities?

She says she hasn't done it in 2 years. And I know for sure that the child is mine. She states it was a mistake. What also upsets me is that the first time I asked her, she lied and told me that she had never had sex with anyone from craigslist. I took her word for it then but something inside of me felt she was lying. She ended up coming clean somewhat when I told her that I would leave her if I found out that she was lying. She says it was only one time and it was with a guy she met before in a gym.


Now what are the odds of finding someone you saw at the gym on craigslist?

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What if you found out in your girlfriend's past that she would go on craigslist to have sex with guys and women?


Well this is what happened to me, we've been dating for a year now we have a child. I'm disappointed and disgusted.


If you have a baby after only a year of dating, it sounds like neither of you are particularly virginal.

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She says she hasn't done it in 2 years. And I know for sure that the child is mine. She states it was a mistake. What also upsets me is that the first time I asked her, she lied and told me that she had never had sex with anyone from craigslist. I took her word for it then but something inside of me felt she was lying. She ended up coming clean somewhat when I told her that I would leave her if I found out that she was lying. She says it was only one time and it was with a guy she met before in a gym.


Now what are the odds of finding someone you saw at the gym on craigslist?


I remember your story under a different user name.

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She says she hasn't done it in 2 years. And I know for sure that the child is mine. She states it was a mistake. What also upsets me is that the first time I asked her, she lied and told me that she had never had sex with anyone from craigslist. I took her word for it then but something inside of me felt she was lying. She ended up coming clean somewhat when I told her that I would leave her if I found out that she was lying. She says it was only one time and it was with a guy she met before in a gym.


Now what are the odds of finding someone you saw at the gym on craigslist?


I'm curious what it is that would make someone ask the question "How many guys have you met on craigslist for sex?" What happens to make that quesiton jump into your head?

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I can understand your disgust and pain, but maybe she led a completely different life before you. I had an ex who would (at least to my knowledge) get online and look at sexual encounters. I don't agree with it, especially if you're in a relationship. Has she done this while you two have been together?

I don't think so, but I think she still goes online to look for the excitement

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You can't really hold anyone against their past. People need to make mistakes in order to grow and shape themselves into someone wiser. We all have our gross secrets/accidents that we aren't proud of and your girlfriend may have been in a different mindset or situation at the time that led her to do this. So, I think it is quite unfair to get worked up over a part of someone's history when they could have developed leaps and bounds away from it. As long as the past stays in the past, you can't judge a fault as much as you can judge present action.

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What if you found out in your girlfriend's past that she would go on craigslist to have sex with guys and women?


Well this is what happened to me, we've been dating for a year now we have a child. I'm disappointed and disgusted.


I think you should talk to her and see if she is ready to settle down, or if she (and you) are interested in exploring swingers clubs or things of that sort together.


Do you mean to tell me that you would never have one-night stands? Never once??

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You can't really hold anyone against their past. People need to make mistakes in order to grow and shape themselves into someone wiser. We all have our gross secrets/accidents that we aren't proud of and your girlfriend may have been in a different mindset or situation at the time that led her to do this. So, I think it is quite unfair to get worked up over a part of someone's history when they could have developed leaps and bounds away from it. As long as the past stays in the past, you can't judge a fault as much as you can judge present action.


While I agree with you to a point, the past is something each of us carry along for the ride. Now I'm not saying we should be shaming anyone for their past, but if I noticed a pattern of behavior that falls outside of my personal morals in someone's past whenever they get stressed, I certainly wouldn't let a statement like "you can't hold someone's past against them" make me feel pressured into letting them further into my life than I'm comfortable with.

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As I assume a chastity belt is out of the question, the only thing left is to trust her. However, given that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior, I don't see Ms. Let Me Do Your Husband settling down to the Happy Family lifestyle.


You have a child to co-parent. I would focus on that and not whether you can sustain a relationship with his mother.

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