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Confused miss my Ex Dont know what todo

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dont know the answer to how successful of a relationship they'll have. You said you don't want her back, but you ask this question. Do you want to see it fail and see her get hurt??


No, I dont want to see it fail and her get hurt. I just think its odd that everyone agrees its goin to happen with how everything is goin with them and she will be devastated when it doesnt work out. Im just afraid for her and I know I have no control of her actions and no responsibility for her. I love her and I know I want her tobe happy, just I think as everyone else she is setting herself up out there. I still care for her even after what she has done. Its so hard for me to stop caring or wondering what will happen esp when she gets back. I love her and hope things work out for her, just dont they will and was wondering what you guys thought. And I really just want her friendship, I am over the fact she has every right tobe with someone else.

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Ok that is why i asked. I am in the same situation as you are. I care much about my ex, perhaps too much, but that is the way it is. I made the mistake of telling her that her next relationship wont work either. Especially if she isnt looking at herself.


I guess this is the way they may learn about themselves. After three four or fivr dailed relationships one needs to step back and see what the common denominator is.


I too want my ex to be happy. She has been through hell and back most of her life. Which also explains some of her actions.

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I didnt tell her that her relationship will not last thank god, but if it doesnt I am sure she will learn somthing from it. I geuss all that matters now is that she is happy with him an maybe down the future we will cross paths again and things will be alot better for us after this experience without eachother, but I cant wait on that, I have to move on as she has now. Its been one month almost of NC and I all of this is still unreal, I geuss time does work and my emotions are under control now,but just thinkin how one month ago we were making love and so happy and now we are at this point is unbelievable. I hope she has not forgotten about me, she did tell me nomatter how hard she could try she will never forget me b4 she left, but then again I dont know her anymore now.

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yeah i made many mistakes. But we still talk occasionally.


Anyway i doubt she will forget you. It isnt an easy thing to do. How many exes have you totally forgotten. Or evne friends you may no longer talk to.


You are moving on. Just because your not involved with someone doesnt mean you r not moving on. Each day without being with her you r moving on. Hope this helps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh! Its been one month NC and I still miss her! I wanna make a move by sending a text asking hows shes doing but I dont know. In the past when her and her friends break up its always them to initiate to get them back to being friends always! I keep on thinkin what if she waiting for me to call? And to make things worst her only friend she talks to(liz) I know is not talking to her nomore because of after the incident when she called and my ex put her on speakerphone and completely ignored her with her new BF so Liz hung up! Is this good or bad news? Now I wont be able to know hows she doin out there and hopefully she getting lonely and sick of working and living with that guy. Ugh i know im stronger but after this NC thing I feel better and I dont!

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I feel for you terribly as I am in not totally a similar situation but am enduring a heartbreak of epic purportions! I've been asking myself repeatedly why he hasn't called why has he not wanted to talk things over after being engaged for almost four years...why does everyone I know seem to get a second chance with their relationships?? A friend of mine said to me recently that those people still in contact with their exs, still talking things over is because it really is not over. Sometimes people breakup with their partner not because they really want to but because its a power play...if they really wanted to end it they would have cut communications off altogether and moved on...Now the hard part, when someone ends a relationship and does not initiate contact or maintains no contact you can almost be sure that they were firm in their dicision and are making every attempt to move on. This is the heartbreaking situation I am in...day after day which has turned into month after month no phone calls...While we might be friends somewhere down the road he has made it clear to me that my involvement in his life is over!!! Part of my heart still hopes as i'm sure yours does as well! Make sure that if you do breakdown and call her first that you do not attack her or ask the dreaded question "have you slept with anyone," etc. Take her words of advice and expect the worst...try and run the worst scenario through your heart so that when it happens you will be alittle more prepared for it. Take care.

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Thanks rainy soul, yes i have ran the worst case scenerio and I wouldnt be surprised if there sleeping together. I have already been trhought the worst part and I feel im strong enought to handle any outcome I think hehe. But i was wondering what would I accomplish even if I did get to have a nice short coversation with her? She would still be in MN and I would definetly be her saftey net after wards and looking look weak if I called. I dont want to speak to her but send a text showing I care. I wanna keep me in her mind still and was wondering like a text saying "Happy st patricks day,hope your safe and well out there" and I dont wanna do it for a response but to let her know I still care and keep my presense in her head u know? And my friend said it wouldnt show her Im waiting for her or trying to get back with her esp cuz the holiday has nothing todo with love. What u guys think?

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I think you should stick with your no contact Jazn. Honestly, she is not going to forget about you. But she made the decision to be with someone else, and whether that is right or wrong, you have to respect that. Have you wondered why she hasn't called you? But I'm betting that if things go bad with her new boyfriend, that you are the first one she runs to. Personally, I'd tell her where to go when/if that ever happens, but I know you won't. She doesn't deserve to have the satisfaction of knowing she is in your thoughts. She's done nothing but lie, deceive and be disrespectful of you and your feelings. Keep the no contact going and try not to worry or analyse the situation anymore. Work on moving on in your own life. You've made it this far, so you can certainly keep on going. If she wants to talk to you, she will. She wanted it to be this way, so give it to her.


All I can say is that I wish I could treat men so badly and still have them pining over me. This girl must have some special gift that I'm not aware of.

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