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She is not right for me, but I still keep trying


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I'm dating one wonderful woman for almost 2 months. Everything seemed perfect from beginning... attraction, curiosity, chemistry and all that stuff. When I met her I had very strong feeling, that we are perfect match. Because I knew her for few hours and I felt really great with her - like I knew her for years...


But as time passed, I found some her flaws which are red flags for me... She is not able to express her emotions, she doesn't know how to accept compliment, her pride is soooo big, she never make first move, she is not initiative at all... When I do some favor for her she acts like it's something normal (few of her friends were in shock what I did for her and they admired what I did, but I think she did not realize it was a "favor"...).


When I talked with her about issues which bothers me she said that these "issues" are part of her personality and she doesn't like these issues too and she is trying hard to fix them and improve in some things.


Actually, I know that she is not right for me and I should ditch her. But I tried to change my mindset to "ditch her" story, but somehow... I can't. I still have feeling in my gut that it will get better with time, even I know - it won't. I just keep trying to stay in this situation and I don't know how to stop trying...


So how it should be? Should "we" have issues like this just after 2 months of dating or it's not acceptable for future relationship? Do you think I should wait or I just need someone which fits me better without waiting...? I'm 26 and she is 23 if that helps.

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I know that we are not compatible, but as I said... I don't know how to stop trying. Every time I try to ditch her, I say to myself "just wait, it will get better". And I simply don't know why. Maybe because I had some of these issues in past too and I resolved them on my own.

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She does not need to get 'better'. She is who she is. And if she is changing to appease you, this relationship is doomed. You don't sound like a good match. Accept it and move on. It's sheer folly to change someone, or expect them to change for you. It's not going to happen.

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Sportster2005, Hollyj - thank you for your replies. You're right. I'm just trying to fool myself. She is wonderful person and she will be perfect match for somebody else - but not for me.


When I wrote about "she does not like her issues" - I meant that all of her previous relationship ended because of these issues - so she is trying hard to change it...

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Quit fooling yourself. Sounds like this relationship is doomed. Like everyone else here said, she is who she is. Maybe she is not ready for a relationship yet in her life. Maybe she doesn't know what she wants. But it sounds like you are not working for her.


Let her go and move on with your life, find someone who appreciates you and does all of those things you wish this girl would do. Good luck.

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Wow, I'm impressed. The OP accepted the right advice before the end of the first page. That's a first.


Hehe, that is because I knew the answer but I just needed some confirmation - "it won't get better", "you're not compatible"...

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