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Advice on an ex please


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My ex contacted me today for the first time in a while. I had 6 messages of are you okay? Question marks and I need an answer from you... I realised this was after he heard on the radio a girl had been hit by a train in my area and he thought this could have been me and he was worrying. My question is I've given him no reason to think I would do something stupid, or even spoke to him I've left him alone so why would he even think this. I feel a bit sad that he's only showed he cares when he thinks something has happened to me as well. What is with that?

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What dave says. And he may be freaked, but he wasn't so freaked as to want you back and to make up with you before, so really this is a moot point. It's normal to think about someone we once cared about and worry if they've been hurt. Even I messaged the ex I can't stand after I heard there'd been a major quake once where he lived.


But that doesn't translate into "I want to get back together with you and love you" at all. More of a "I once cared about you and hope you're okay."


Chances are good if you texted back "I'm okay" that's all that would happen. He might respond back one time then go back to never contacting you again. In fact, that's more likely what would happen. Respond only if the idea of him not even answering you back once he knows it's not you wouldn't hurt you at all. Otherwise, stay silent. He'll see the name of who it is soon enough in the news if they haven't already published it.

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