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HELP: Just received an email from my EX


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Your reaction following the break-up is pretty normal, OP. Further to that, she cheated on you, which would only make you feel worse, I'm sure.


I know it's hard now, but it will get easier; provided you don't contact her. By maintaining contact, you're only prolonging the agony.


I also hope you aren't willing to give this person another chance. There are plenty of wonderful women out there who won't cheat.


Hang in there, and maintain NC. You will feel better in time.


Block her, OP.

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Thanks guys.


So true mhowe!


She said she is devastated for messing things up and she sounds like she's in a real state,


The other half of the email was about a debt we have together which we discussed before we went NC.


I've just borrowed the money from a friend and am going to pay it in full tomorrow.


These forums and the members have been excellent, I dont want to tell my family as they have enough to deal with at the moment.

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she text me also.


I was going to change my phone number, maybe I should have.


I moved 300 miles away from her and left my job and friends, thats how badly I didnt want to hear from her.


Ive been reliving the cheating experience over in my head a thousand times I didnt expect her ever to get back in touch. I thought because she was cheating she was unhappy and didnt want to be with me and that was her way of dealing with it.




Thats bolntrun, I'd recommend them not to message back.


Its just so good to have the support from you all.

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Translation: The guy I cheated on you with didn't work out. I'm feeling sorry for myself. Would Trusty Old You be willing to let me use you until I find the next guy I want to cheat on you with?


Changing that number is a great idea. I did so when I moved 400 miles away from the ex who treated me like crud but who my stupid butt couldn't get over. It really helped. It only took me about 15 minutes to text all the people I wanted to have my new number.

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She said she is devastated for messing things up and she sounds like she's in a real state,

oh dear, what a shame. How about how you've felt for the past X amount of time? Think of yourself, you didn't break the relationship. She did, who cares how she sounds? If things had worked out with her new guy you wouldn't be hearing a thing.

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Don't acknowledge any part of the email except for the debt part. If you need to buy her out or owe her money, take care of it. Once you have paid it, just send her a note that it is done. Or if you owe money to her - just ask for an address to send it to and send the check certified or paypal it to her - whatever. And then that is it. You should NOT hvae to change your phone number and potentially lose connections with friends, old work colleagues that would be good contacts over her. Just BLOCK her number. That is all you have to do.

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