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HELP: Just received an email from my EX


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Just received another email from her.


It was a one liner, didn't effect me at all .


This NC is so up and down but can feel it working.


Good for you, OP; keep it up. As time passes, you will feel better. Just maintain the NC.

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I'm one week NC been to the gym and finally feeling much better then I receive an email from her.


She cheated on me and I dont want her back but of me does.




What should I do?


Should I reply in the morning and not right away?


Ignore her. You still are in love with her, so you can't separate your cognitive brain from your heart. She cheated on you...you can never fully trust her again. No matter how hard the two of you may try to work on things, see a therapist, etc....she already "went there." That's a line that has been crossed that can't be un-crossed. You will never feel fully secure with her.


Onto the next one. Cut her out of your life and stay strong.

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