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How to approach a girl after her rebound relationship?!


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I have a pretty complex situation, I don´t what to do next without messing it up.


The problem is one line is:

The girl I like already had her “rebound” relationship that lasted 1 moth with the “love of his life” and she already knows I like her, but now I don´t know how to approach her or how much time let it pass.


Long Story:

This girl had a pretty bad breakup with a guy that destroyed her hearth like 1 year ago. Since then, I think that she has always been “looking” for the rebound relationship but it has never happened until now.


I met her at a job and we really knew each other and got feeling for each other. Then she started his “first” rebound relationship but the guy moved on to other country so she was like a little “heartbroken”. Then like a month after this she tried to “start” something with me but didn´t prosper well. Then I left the job and she “searched for me a little too intense” but I didn´t correspond on time and when I finally did (like 3 weeks after she was looking for me) she completely lost interest on me. Then she was “starting” something with his “second rebound guy” and I let her know the feelings that I got for her, and she told me that she really never knew I had feelings for her. Then she started this relationship with this guy (that she totally feel in love, like, in 1 week) and just broke up a couple of weeks ago.



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She really fell hard in love with this guy. When I was talking with her, just days before she was officially “girlfriend” with this guy, she told me that “the last time, she got hurt because she started a relationship without knowing the person” but then, she was just starting a relationship with someone just met like 2 weeks ago… and it just lasted like 4 weeks.


So I think that all this time (since she broke up) she has been looking for this “rebound relationship” to happen.

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are you saying you want to be the third rebound guy?


I don´t know. I just want to get things clear up with her. Before she “officially” started a relationship with this second guy, she told me she really had deep feelings for me and that she thinks that we are twin flames.


As I see there are only two scenarios:


1) She really never had any real feelings for me and she just told me that so I didn´t feel bad.


2) She really has feelings for me but she is really mess up inside, that´s why she just broke up with someone so fast.


If it´s the second scenario, I’m just trying to figure out when to approach her and how

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you are looking to get hurt if you continue to pursue this girl. she is not in any condition to start a meaningful relationship. find someone who is emotionally available to date. don't get caught up in her mess.


I already got hurt I'm not going to get hurt anymore.


But you know, I'm just want to clear things up with her, I don´t want to live in doubt for the rest of my live. Not like I´m going to magical fix the situation or her hearth. Or maybe I can, I don´t know, thats why I´m writing in this forum

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You already told her how you feel about her. Leave her alone to heal up from that last breakup, and if she's interested in pursuing anything with you, she'll let you know.


It would be different if you hadn't already told her how you feel, but you were brave enough to do that--so now the ball is in her court.


Head high.

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don't go there man. let her sort her life out. don't add to the problem. IF you are really that keen, work out how long her relationship was (the proper one!) and divide it by two. That is the time it will take and start that timer from when she was single the second time. stupid rebounders need to sort their nonsense out.

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