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Should I let my ex boyfriend initiate contact with me after having sex with him?

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My ex boyfriend and I saw each other for the first time since our relationship ended 7 months ago and had sex last night. He sent me a text asking to come over and wanted to take me to dinner. I haven't communicated with him today because I'm weary this was merely a one-night deal for him and I don't want to seem too eager either. What should I do?

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The text is about a second night?


If you didn't want contact in the first place you shouldn't have had sex with him.


If you are wary of him, why be with him?


I'm a little confused.


I mean. you did sleep with him. doesn't that indicate that like him?

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Well, it's hard to say. Maybe give it a bit of time then tell him you'll meet him at the restaurant, where does he want to take you to dinner? If he back pedals or tries to say you should come over first tell him what happened last night is a good start, but you feel it's setting you up for a booty call situation so if he wants to date you and get back in your life he needs to put the effort in to actually date you.


Stick to your guns on that. Don't let it devolve into FWB or that's all you'll get most likely. If he's on the up and up he'll meet you at the restaurant or pick you up and take you there rather than doing the old "Come over to my place first."

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Whoa, "a nightmare 90 percent of the time" yeah just block and delete him. A "it's good 10 percent of the time" is simply not reason enough to try anything again. Would you drive a car that "the brakes work 10 percent of the time" or "I eat at that restaurant, because 10 percent of the time the food doesn't make me sick."


No? Same goes with a relationship. People who are toxic will pretty much always be toxic. Surely even being alone has got to be better than a lousy 10 percent.

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