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I was with my boyfriend for a year. We split last march.he ruined valentine s day and on my birthday we went out to make up for it, but when we got back he threw a glass at the wall in anger, for nothing. A few weeks later, he broke into my home while I was asleep, after I'd forgotten to reply to his text after a night out.

So we split, but after a few months he got back in touch and we were about to get back together, when he left to pursue another woman. So I was left again.

He got back in touch in November ( when she left him) and we started to meet up again. In this time, his grandmother died, and he asked me for support. And to cut a long story short I saw he had a dating site app on his phone, complete with profile. When I confronted him, he just got angry and three me out of his home and I had to walk around in the snow and dark for an hour before I could get home.

This was on a Friday..on Tuesday at work I found that he had made anonymous calls to my work place to say I had been taking drugs etc....

After all this I'm still feeling bad and messsed up about things. Was I right to walk away? We did get on well before am this..and now I'm feeling very depressed I don't know what to do

I just want other peoples views please

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Even if just one of the things you listed happened, you'd be justified in leaving and never looking back. Please stay away and get yourself some therapy to explore why you would want to go back to this man.



Agree! I would be more concerned as to why you are questioning yourself. This should have been over long ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I remember your story, and everyone else told you to stay away from this guy. He is bad news!!! Please get some therapy.

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I know, I have posted before on this. I guess I'm just looking for reassurance that I've done the right thing.I just know I need to walk away, and I am doing so.but I feel very depressed and keep doubting myself. Feel like I'm going mad sometimes!

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No, if you're smart, this is the stuff that teaches you to join the ranks of thinking women who not only walk away from this stuff, but who will never ~ever~ involve themselves with someone that sick again--and who don't feel badly about that AT ALL.


Head high, and move yourself forward.

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