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Worried about my relationship after pregnancy.


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My husband either has had a thing for pregnant women and never realized it, or it just developed once I started getting bigger, but it's become a turn on for him. I'm worried I won't be as interesting or appealing if you will after having this baby.


I think, though I'm not positive, that he might have started watching pregnancy porn. I don't mind him watching porn, nothing wrong with that and I'd wrong to say I did. But I do mind the idea of him watching pregnant women masturbate or having sex. I can't be pregnant all the time, and I don't want to be. So that kind of porn I can't keep up with.


I haven't talked to him about it. I have no idea how to bring this up, or even word it properly.

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Why don't you simply tell him what you've said here and then be quiet while you listen?


It could be your hormones but I'll suggest that you maybe over-thinking things and rather then be happy that he still finds your new body attractive, you are trying your best to find something negative in this. (?) He can clear that up though when you speak to him.

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This might be some deep freudian stuff he is living out, and perhaps he loves you in all shapes and forms. Right now you are pregnant and finds you attractive? I don't think there's anything wrong with that. When you go back to being your nonpregnant, he will like your new-old shape.


I wonder if the insecurity is being brought up possibly by the influx of hormones, and mostly seem unfounded. If you are having doubts, talk to him, he's your husband. I'd bring it up in a light manner. Perhaps hey so I noticed you're looking at pregnant porn now, you're still going to like me when I'm not pregnant, right?

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OP, you're overthinking it.


Would you prefer him to be completely turned off by your pregnant body and not want to be intimate with you past the 1st trimester? Or worse, have a madonna/wh0re complex where knowing you're now a mother results in him not wanting to be sexual with you at all?


Husband still finds you sexy because you're you. His tastes are adapting to include you in all seasons, including pregnant you. Don't create problems.

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How's it any different than any other porn? No one can exactly replicate what's in porn movies all the time . If he was watching female masturbation porn that want pregnant it would be different than what you look like. Just because he found a new fetishes doesn't mean you have to compete with it .

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My ex thought I was ridiculously hot when I was pregnant. He went back to normal after. Try to just enjoy it


Guys watch porn for the fantasy. You can't be the fantasy all the time...I mean, I'm not a little tiny Asian, and a lot of my bfs have liked porn like that...and I don't take it personal. *shrugs*

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I have had a phase where I was into pregnant porn. Loved it. But my gf at the time was not pregnant, not even close it and to put it bluntly I got hard just like any other time.


You are assuming that since he watches pregnant porn that that is all. End of story. Just because he watched pregnant porn does not mean that that is his new standard now and forever! As everyone else suggested you are over thinking it. You are assuming his wants and choices without even consulting him. I would highly doubt it if you husband is going to expect you to stay pregnant forever, lol.


I think he may have always been into and now he has a chance to take advantage of it since his wife is pregnant. Once you are not pregnant anymore he will go back to enjoying his good old wife. And if you get pregnant again at some point he will enjoy that again. All I am saying is its a great thing he is attracted to you, play out everything, have great sex and let it be that.

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You're placing waaaaay too much importance on what a guy uses to masturbate to. The whole point of porn for some people is that it can't be recreated in their own lives - the fetish factor is what makes it hot. I've heard a lot of dudes say that they found their wives/girlfriends really sexy when pregnant, and I think I would vastly prefer that to the guys I've met who have described cheating on their pregnant wives because they couldn't get turned on by a pregnant woman. I think you're creating problems where there aren't any.

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No. But if he keeps watching that, I can't imitate it. Most of what he watches is female masturbation porn. No problem there.


Well then if you haven't talked to him about any of this that's going on in your mind then I highly suggest that you should stop assuming that he's thinking what you're thinking. You're not him and you are driving yourself bonkers thinking that your assumptions are correct and are what he too is thinking.

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He obviously is just embracing this stage in your lives together and probably seeing new life grow in you has just made him love and want you even more.


Let's be honest most people watch porn that they would never emulate in real life.


Don't worry about it. Focus on the now. Enjoy the moment. Obviously if it is a problem when the baby is born maybe tackle it then.

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Well, we can't help you because we've all told you that you're overthinking and that you would feel better if you talked to him but you won't do that so?...


Maybe instead of worrying about it now, you can put your worry on hold until after he baby is born and see how things are then instead of trying to assume he future. Can you put it aside for now?

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