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You know, I read about people who were together for a few months, or a year and it's 7 or 8 months later and they're hurting like it was just yesterday. We were together a year, just about, and he grew bored...ok here, now I am getting a little sour feeling, recalling that day and how he said "I'm breaking up with you" like it was nothing for him at all. But I have moved on; there are 2 guys I am interested in...one I am pretty sure likes me too, the other might just be really flirty. I wonder if I really did love him as much as I thought? I mean if I did, shouldn't I still be hurting and sad and crying? Maybe I am just as fickle as he is?


He left his snowboard here, knowingly. Apparently he knew he was dumping me when he left MN. So I wonder why he left his snowboard with me. I am short of money right now, and I could prolly sell it, being that I'm in a snowy state, and it's winter. I don't know though...I mean it must not mean that much to him, he left it knowing that he risked me never wanting to hear from him again...and thereforeeee never getting his precious snowboard back. He only IM's me occasionally, to which I give him cold, closed ended talk. I don't want to go out of my way to contact him. Should I just sell it? It's really a silly ethical issue, isn't it?

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Yeah, if I were you I'd sell it. How long have you two been broken up ? Once you sell it if he starts asking about it, just do not answer his IM's or phone calls. People who dump you coldly don't deserve any respect. Quite honestly you would have been quite within your rights to just throw the thing out if you had wanted.

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you don't want to have to deal with any repercussions if you sell it and he ends up wanting it back.


i would suggest you IM him and tell him he needs to arrange a way for you to get it to him or that you will get rid of it. (i.e. he can pay for postage for you to mail it to him, or something, or he can have a friend of his pick it up).


then, you find out if he is concerned about it and if he's not, he is allowing you to do whatever you want with it.

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Do you snowboard? and would u fit using that board? why not use it for yourself.. go boarding and meet new friends?


I've met alot of great people while snowboarding.. even if he did leave it with you.. he mite have left it as something for you to remember him by.. it may have ended badly.. but the memories of the happy times are still there.. did u and him have any good memories boarding? if u did keep it.. it would be kinda large for any kind of memory box.. but i have left stuff with x's.. and x's have left stuff with me as well.. i keep it all not because one day i mite see they again.. but the memory the item holds for me


If u want to forget the guy or are tryin to get over him.. and having a hard time while he still msg's u.. i say.. sell the board.. push him away.. it works in a weird way...


Hope it helps.. its just how i feel about the subject.

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We've been broken up for 4 months now, yesterday. I don't snowboard, myself and don't know that I have interest in learning. I honestly don't know why he would leave it. If it were to remember him by, then that would be really low. I mean he knew dang well that dumping me the cowardly way he did was going to scar me and hurt me like heck. And you know, I think he dug that idea...yeah, mister "I have never had a girlfriend, I don't have much luck with the ladies, I'm just too shy and awkward". I think he really got a charge out of being the one who called the shots at that point. If he left his snowboard as a memory, it would have only been in ill nature. I hope he IM's me soon though, Snowboarding season is revving up, and I could use the money.

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