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He wont put up pictures of us 2


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Nope. I don't want to put up pictures of my baby on FB after he is born. And it's not a warning sign!


He may just prefer the privacy of not putting those sorts of pics up. He may not want to rub the relationship in other people's faces. He may have seen how annoying it is when a couple breaks up and you then have to delete every picture of your ex on FB .. (not that he's expecting to break up just that he's has this experience before or seen friends having to do it).

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Agree with others, if you put a lot of pressure on a partner to be FB "official"... it comes off as needy and desperate to have the approval/attention of others. In the end who cares? If your BF is good to you, is kind to you, does his best to make sure you're happy... I don't see why the lack of a couples selfie on FB is a warning sign of any sort.


As other's have said: People looooove putting their relationship crap on FB... until the day comes when you have to take it all down and get 100s of friends messaging you want happened.

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I hate pics of me and my gf being on facebook..idk i dont really like taking pics of myself and putting them online in general..she isnt a big fan either..we maybe have a handful together..not to many at all...most of the pics of her online are her tagged in other peoples pics...

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What does he post on Facebook? If he rarely posts photos of himself, then I don't think that's a bad sign. If he posts photos of every party he goes to and checks in everywhere, but won't put up photos of you two, then that's bad.


I agree w/ this. It depends on how he uses FB. Just like she said, if he puts up pics of everything he does and there are many pics w/ his friends, then I would consider this a bad sign. If he rarely posts pics of himself or what he does then I would say it's not a bad sign, just a difference in how he uses FB.

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  • 2 months later...

Not to be contrarian -- and yes I know I'm coming on this late -- it does seem weird not to post a picture of a SO on Facebook. I guess it may depend on how much he posts. I'm guessing he doesn't post pictures of every meal he eats. And it is important on what he says when you talk to him about this. I guess a major warning sign would be if you posted a shot of you two on your page and tagged him... and he didn't allow himself to be tagged or allow it on his timeline.

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It depends on WHAT he puts up on f/b. If it's full of pics of himself and his friends and stuff, then, it's strange that he wouldn't post at least one pic of you together. But if he just has family/business stuff, I wouldn't worry about it. It also depends on how long you've been together...2 months, for example, is not the same as 2 years.

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