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What does my Ex want me to know there are other people chasing her?


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My Ex-GF dumped me 2 months ago, and we were in a relationship for 2 years. She said that she wanted to be friends and I agreed. We go to the same University and see each other almost on a daily basis since we have the same friendship group too. She feels awkward around me and she acts cold/emotionless.


There was a misunderstanding a few days ago where she read a blog of mine (about jealousy) and somehow thought that I'm acting close to "her" friends (even though they are my friends too) to be in her face and to get her attention. I wanted to talk to her to clear things up but she said she didn't want to talk. Today, a mutual friend of ours talked to her about the whole thing.


Our mutual friend told me about their conversation and here is how it goes. She started off by asking whether things are awkward with me, and my Ex said "Yes, things are awkward again after reading his blog". When my mutual friend told her my explanation, however my Ex-GF said she doesn't care anymore. She also said that I'm not her boyfriend anymore so my things don't have anything to do with her. Then my friend ask her what else she wants me to know, and surprisingly my Ex did say something. She told her friend that she wants me to know that there are other people chasing her now. Then they talked about how this "god brother" of her asked her to go out on a date with him, but she turned him down since she wasn't interested (not sure if this part was included in the thing she wanted to tell me). She also said that she doesn't want to date anyone anymore after what she has been through, and would turn anyone down.


I'm so confused right now. Why does she say that she doesn't care anymore, but wants me to know that there are other guys chasing her? Is that a sign telling me to give up on chasing her? Or is she trying to tell me to step my game up and start changing? Please give me your view on this.


NOTE: We broke up because I kept repeating the same mistakes (i.e acting too close to my female friends), and she broke up with me because she was too disappointed. I feel like she is hurt badly emotionally since she did cry a few times when she broke up with me, but I'm unsure because she seems emotionless/fine when she is around me.

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Honestly, it doesn't matter what she 'thinks'. She's not involved with you anymore. You don't owe her anything, vice versa.


If you want to know something maybe it is best you ask to have a talk about this? But, really, what's the use?

You two aren't together anymore.


If things are done now, it's best to STOP paying attention to her & all she's doing and back off now. Work on YOU.


If she broke up because of some issue's she had over you & other girls, that's an issue of hers? Jealousy?

Than that'd be something she needs to deal with.


I can't tell you WHY she'd be wanting you to know she's got chasers? Could be to rub in your face.. could be because she's trying to put up a defense to try n get you to see she's okay.


Yes, after that long together, i'm sure you're both hurting. It hurts, yes but she is trying to show a brave side around you.

But, like I said, whatever she's doing shouldn't matter now.

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It does matter because it has got me thinking so much about it now. I really like her and want her back, and I can't imagine what I would do if I find out she has found another person. It got me really confused with why she would suddenly want me to know things like this when she rarely initiate contacts when I see her. I wonder if she still has feelings for me or has completely moved on already.

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First of all, I would put a stop to allowing your friends to be the go-between. if she wants to try again, it has to come from her directly, rather than from a third party.


At this point the less you say, the better the potential outcome would be, if that were to happen. Of course there are no guarantees, yet at the same time the best way to go is forward.

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