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" In a box not a bottle" Asperger's revealed


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I might check her out Vic. Do you know any good links on all the senses. Cheets posts also reminded how much I was interested in learning about sensory integration with children and fun activities.


Today at work, had some good things happen with clients who rarely engage in activities, but today seemed to get it right. They don't have autism as far as I know, but Aim certain that at least one of them would have sensory integration issues. The other one has unstable schizophrenia, severe anxiety and depression. I brought in a book of Adult Coloring In Designs, some high quality watercolor pencils and other coloring resources. I have not seen him engage himself in activity like this before or appear so calm and relaxed. Sorry if thst was high jacking. Re the other client, got him a football and he was practising with eye-hand and eye-foot for hours. He also has OCD so lovely to see him away from his obsessive cleaning rituals. My co-worker was excited and happy to see this as well as we have felt at a loss at what we can do to help our depressed client.

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Just makes me really sad. I would have to suppress the urge to pummel the person who tried to take advantage of my siblings.


Sort of why I'm the one who volunteered (and am in the will) to oversee my sister's finances after my parents are unable. I don't want some snake to come in and steal her money or abuse her. I'd sooner go to jail for murder than let that happen.

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With Liane Holiday Willey, im certain that she said that she was so lonely and desperate for friendship as she had moved away from her family for schooling that she let these MEAN GIRLS use her as a taxi driver. She was so hurt, but because of her loneliness, she let them get away with it.

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I know kids have stolen from my son before. They just bring a few kids with them and use these other kids as a decoy to to trap his attention. And then they will slip his DS games into their own handheld system and walk out with it. And then when he asks if they have one of his games will tell him some BS story about how they didn't know that they had it in their system but they've given it to a friend so they can't really ask for it back . What a crock of crap! And they figure because he's an only child and he has so many things that they are somehow entitled to steal his. And of course they know he's easy to work over.


He's been given black eyes ,he's been cut ,he's been swarmed and he's been verbally bullied. He got his first blackeye at school he had just turned four years old. That broke my heart that somebody would beat on my baby. Four-years-old is barely out of babyhood. And he was such a tiny boy he was four and he still only wore size 24 months.

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It made me cry just to remember that and type it out. People are so effing cruel to anybody who's different. Gradeschool was a horror show for him. Even the adults picked on him. I remember one substitute teacher for senior kindergarten zipped his hands in his pockets and zipped up his skin in the zippers. I went to the school I said if you EVER manhandle my son again will be the last time you do it. And then they tried to tell me oh well he won't listen. I said I don't give a crap for your shyte excuse. Don't ever touch my son.

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I don't understand how an adult, or anyone really, could do that. I've gotten my skin stuck in zippers, particularly my loose post-surgery belly skin and it HURTS, it hurts so much. Your son must have been positively freaking out. How can anyone do that to a child. That just breaks my heart. I had no idea he went throug hthat Vic.

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I don't understand how an adult, or anyone really, could do that. I've gotten my skin stuck in zippers, particularly my loose post-surgery belly skin and it HURTS, it hurts so much. Your son must have been positively freaking out. How can anyone do that to a child. That just breaks my heart. I had no idea he went throug hthat Vic.


I just sob when I think of his grade school years. OK ,he didn't listen but he was the sweetest little soul. And he would have meltdowns and freak out and destroy classrooms but nobody understood what he was going through. Back then nobody knew he was autistic. And nobody could understand his speech.(until he got speech therapy) He was just so beyond frustrated. And of course they didn't know he was learning disabled as well.


My poor sweet boy. I don't know how he came out of grade school with his sweet ,loving and forgiving heart.


Yeah and when the teacher zipped up his skin he zipped until there was blood. How do you do that to a tiny child? My poor baby came home crying and wailing and showing me his arms. Yes I know he's not compliant but that's no reason to abuse him.


High school was better and especially after grade 10 or so he didn't have any bullying issues as far as he's mentioned. Although some of the students that I know said that yes , some students were still horrible to him but he would just ignore it.


At his grad though a good portion of the students really cheered him on when he got up on stage.

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Here is my handsome boy.

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This is why I am so terrified of daycare. I know they were school incidents, but still. You knew your son had some problems, just what exactly it was wasn't properly diagnosed at the time. This is how I feel with my son, though what exactly is wrong, I don't know. If I hear daycare one more time out of anyone's mouth, I'll lose it. It's not happening.

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This is why I am so terrified of daycare. I know they were school incidents, but still. You knew your son had some problems, just what exactly it was wasn't properly diagnosed at the time. This is how I feel with my son, though what exactly is wrong, I don't know. If I hear daycare one more time out of anyone's mouth, I'll lose it. It's not happening.


Yeah ,daycare is not for every kid. Or every family situation nor every parent.

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I loved the notes home from school, myself. It was always from the administration,not his teachers. His teachers in elementary school were fantastic and went out of their way to ask me questions about Asperger's so they could understand him better. They also worked towards including him in everything the other kids did. I got very lucky there.

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I loved the notes home from school, myself. It was always from the administration,not his teachers. His teachers in elementary school were fantastic and went out of their way to ask me questions about Asperger's so they could understand him better. They also worked towards including him in everything the other kids did. I got very lucky there.


I didn't. Some people went out of their way to target my son and some people were really good to him. However his school experience leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Had he been identified before 17 years old as autistic it might have gone better.

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