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Diary Of A Redhead


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Just now, Jibralta said:

WOOT! That must feel good.

Do I sound spoilt if I say it has hardly caused a ripple Jib?! 😅😅😅


It will cover our outstanding bills, buy some stock, finish the house renovation. We only have a small mortgage left on the house and briefly debated paying the whole thing off at the end of the month. Ohhhh! 

D even said he might buy me a pair of nice heels I have been converting! Hmm! 

It is very nice, I’m kinda kidding! 🥲 He’s keeping the ball rolling. Imagine if that happened again in a few months time! 

The sale came from a Chinese museum.



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I’m just playin’ around, baby.


You work all day and men you know 
The wheels must turn to keep the flow 

Never stop the action 
Oh, never stop the action 
Never stop the action 
Keep it up, keep it up 
Never stop the action

Slave to the rhythm

Keep it up, keep it up 
Never stop, never stop 
Keep it up

Work to the rhythm

Slave to the rhythm

Live to the rhythm

Love to the rhythm


- ‘Slave to the Rhythm’,  Grace Jones


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“The ENFP personality type is nicknamed The Optimist and belongs to the NF Empath temperament. The Optimist can be categorized as enthusiastic, expressive and charismatic leaders. They are spontaneous, wild and possess a zest for life. One might even say that they are bold dreamers, unconstrained by reality. ENFPs are driven by their values and strive to champion the causes they believe in, through their resourceful, visionary and creative nature.”


“The Optimist directs their energy outward, which makes them social, talkative and assertive. ENFPs love people and are gregarious. Because of their extreme extroversion, they are energized by social interaction and dislike being alone. The Intuitive nature of ENFPs makes their thought process intriguingly deep, future-oriented and allows them to see endless possibilities. The abundance of ENFP imagination and idealism means that it’s never boring in their heads – often, they are filled with abstract and complex thoughts. ENFPs are Feelers that make decisions with their heart. They are warm, sensitive and can easily empathize with others because of their deeply caring nature. The Optimist is adaptable, flexible and easygoing. They live with a carefree attitude and like to keep their options open.”


“ENFPs romanticize and idealize their relationships. They are charming and can establish a connection effortlessly. Nothing interests this personality type more than discussing deep issues and being able to share ideas, activities and interests. The ENFP quest for magic in relationships often leaves them feeling unsatisfied. This is likely because they give everything of themselves and expect to be supported and nurtured in return.”


“ENFPs are social learners. They learn best when their creativity and imagination are given free rein. They have a real need to please teachers and classmates. They love to integrate knowledge with the big picture. And although their thought process may seem random to people that don’t know them, it is surprisingly connective on an intuitive level.”




But hun, tell me the bad bits because trust me, there’s plenty!




That ENFP person,



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Can’t stop talking, can’t stop thinking!!! Contact the Guiness World, I think we have a new record for MOST IRRITATING HYPED UP BLABBERMOUTH! 

I’ve gone absolutely WILD and off the hook on materialism, like a capitalist QUEEN. But, I’m not gonna apologise. It doesn’t sound right and I leave that for when I haven’t done anything significantly wrong. Save the apologies for the meaningless. The words don’t matter too much anyway! AND DON’T KID YOURSELF THAT ANYONE IS LISTENING! Hey! Least of all, me. 


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I owe half my life to red bull - plug?! 

Three hours of sleep is becoming more usual. I woke up yesterday with blood shot eyes. Blood shot eyes. Looked like a geek who’d been up all night hitting the video games telling everyone he doesn’t need his mama. 

My kids are so darnalishiously beautiful. I think that is an achievement. I think genetically, everyone admires it, and then stands back and offers me part of the glow.



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4pm - yesterday. Started painting with the kids. Had seven lamps on. 

“Mam? What are you painting?”


Lean back to admire my mindless whole page of gold sparkling wash. I had painted over the top of it, crudely, a dark grey square wi the out thinking.


”Looks like… a TV! Oh man!”


I start to draw some old fashioned knobs and buttons in one corner. I then paint in the centre, in white: ‘NO TV.’ I sing out each letter because it’s educational - HA! 


”It’s like a modern art masterpiece kids. Waddya think?! This is relevant to you, guys.” I’m laughing, they look puzzled but start to catch the beginning of a kinda joke.


I hold it up. “NO TV ay! What do you think about that! I’ll have to hang this thing up!” 

We’re all laughing. My son chimes in,


”Mam! Mam! No TV! No! Write now, write this - MORE TV!”


I went activist on my own life for a second there and everyone 4 and under totally got it, and beat me outta the debate! 




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Do my kids need formal, regular school? 

I’m not so sure. I struggle with this back and forth nearly everyday. My son could be rocketed into a year or two above and get by just fine.  

What are they gonna teach him?


It’s fitting maybe for this house that we are maybe a smidge alternative. The guy who used to live here, the ladies son who sold us this house, is a famous multi-millionaire who founded a very famous company. They were, and are, a big bunch of hippies. 

I had to get that aesthetically out of the house but, the father was some kind of de-railed self created philosopher, the whole place was over brimming with a trillion books. The whole house was a social hub I am told, a legend in our town. I find this a fabulous torch and mantle to have in my pale hands because, ya girl is one for the dinner party, one for the social! They would have ten of their friends round and never leave for days. Another legend is the whole bottom part of the house caught fire because they were drunk and roasting marshmallows with some kind of home made intricate spice in the front room fireplace. I think the kid was kind of, let loose, and not really in full time education.


Does alternative and creative free environments foster ingenuity and intelligence a bit more than, sit down and listen to this? I’m not sure. I’m actually a fan of the old school write your God d**m lines, boy! Maybe a mix of both?


I honestly don’t know. It’s all a bit of an unknown experiment.


Me and D, I know we both had the same attitude to education in that - it patronised us and made us children for longer than we felt we were. D excused himself out of school at 15 and I was the only person in my year that told a shocked head of year I wasn’t going on to university, and that y’know, I might wait tables and get a husband. I was half joking of course, but both things happened a few months later after I walked outta those doors and threw my art portfolio and zip binders in the parents attic. 

People like you to play by the rules, don’t they? Because if you don’t, it makes the rule players feel like… maybe the rules they lived by didn’t matter too much? And it was terribly important at the time. And they despised it secretly anyway? Or maybe it brought comfort? 


Maybe it still is - the right way. I’m not scoffing. I could have done plenty better. Cards fall and they will fall again. 

But still, I said - Adios.



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Sometimes when I daydream and picture a few alternative realities for myself, I often wonder, if I had got into b****y Oxford to read English, how on earth would I have fared there?! 

I mean, there’s no way because, I can’t even spell or get through basic grammar. 


But sometimes, I wonder.


Would everyone treat me with more reverence if I had that fact under my belt? Or is it just enough to know, the possibility, no matter how TEENY TINY(!), was there?


It’s far more juicy, delicious, and delectable, to turn over a fantasy could have been, then to have actually lived it! 

The only critic I fear, is the one free loading, up in here. You know what I mean.




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