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I DID IT ... I didn't let him play with me any longer ...


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Ok you guys were RIGHT ...


Can't blame a gal for trying to fix her Relationship, but the guy was a total .......


You know how he broke up ??? By Messenger ...

He called today to check on me on how I was doing (after the miscarriage and all) and I decided to play it cool, no more begging, no crying ...

I actually sounded happy which seemed to annoy him.


Tonight around midnight I receive a text om Messenger:


"Almost gonna go to sleep, I'll get a minivan to move all your stuff when you are available, and I already posted the papers for work (he's my boss)"


I simply deleted FB and with that Messenger and NEVER answered. My phone is off now, and I won't answer again until he comes back begging, and he will, and I might not take him back.


He has no idea how it is going to be to not have me around after what we've been through, he thinks I will still be around, well no, I'm not ...


What a jerk ...

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As much as I agree with no contact, you have to deal with 'business' first. Tell him a date when you are available to receive your stuff (the sooner, the better - hopefully this weekend) and THEN go no contact.


No contact does not trump your adult responsibilities. Unless, of course, you are ok with him throwing out your stuff (in which case you should just say so and THEN go no contact)

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He sent a letter already so I don't need to go back to work there, I'll go back to study in a while ...


He can throw my stuff out if he feels like it, too many memories, and if he wants to contact me in one way or another he can call or text my mom, which he always does when he can't reach me, I live at her place now.


So this is No Contact til the end now, he didn't expect me to delete everything, I'm sure he wanted me to begg some more, well ... tough luck, and I feel ok because he was such a jerk about it, also I know he'll be back, not that I'll ever take him back.

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I simply deleted FB and with that Messenger and NEVER answered. My phone is off now, and I won't answer again until he comes back begging, and he will, and I might not take him back.


Why do you want him to come back begging? Why not realize you made a horrible selection and move forward?


He has no idea how it is going to be to not have me around after what we've been through, he thinks I will still be around, well no, I'm not ...


Sure you will be around. You are already playing games with him to get him to come around begging. Here is your chance to leave this situation behind in your rear view mirror. It was ill advised from the start with him being your boss.


What a jerk ...


Really? It sounds like you just want to punish him awhile before starting this whole toxic thing all over again. Why not make clean break like mhowe suggests?

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A clean break ? Really ? He basically sent me on Messenger that "it's over" and I know him, he just wanted a reaction ...

And I should still contact him ? I don't even feel like contacting a man that "dumps" you over messener, not even over the phone ...

All that after my miscarriage and me still being sick ... Stop agressing me here, everytime I ask for help I get agressed.

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I do not think anyone is trying to be aggressive with you. Many of us have been in toxic relationships and the final breakup can be sudden and leave you with a feeling of unfinished business. It is important not to return back and inadvertently start things back up again.


He will call you pet names, send you texts about songs that remind him of you, etc. Was this ever a balanced relationship? With him being your boss, it seems like you were in a very vulnerable situation.

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I do not think anyone is trying to be aggressive with you. Many of us have been in toxic relationships and the final breakup can be sudden and leave you with a feeling of unfinished business. It is important not to return back and inadvertently start things back up again.


He will call you pet names, send you texts about songs that remind him of you, etc. Was this ever a balanced relationship? With him being your boss, it seems like you were in a very vulnerable situation.


Are you saying when he would try to contact me again ?

I wouldn't even answer, I'm thinking about changing my number ... He does know where I live and my mom's number ...


He begged me to work for him because he felt good working together, but now I feel he's taking advantage of the whole situation, as if he wanted attention since I acted happy on the phone today .. I think he wanted me to be sad and that's why he sent me that foolish message at midnight ... That's just my 2 cents.

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