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How you keep knowing everything about her life?


Oh wait... its cus you haven't stopped contacting her, I don't want to sound like a douchebag but c'mon man... This is just sad now, not even I would go that far and I've been hurting really bad.

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She told me today thats how i know weve been talking so hey everything happens for a reason


You shouldn't be talking to her. All you are doing is being a crutch for her to rest on until she decides to find someone else. I mean, it's not rocket science -- stop being there and answering every piece of contact from her.

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He's not even a crutch because she's not broken. He's a free drink at the bar...


The thing about a girl who treats guys like 'free drinks," one is never enough and there's always going to be someone else offering another up.


Get away from her.

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I am. We talked about it today. I told her the only way is for me to go and realize what youve done pretty much. Weew gonna be in school next year together so will see eachother everyday. She said shes not over him witch is hilarious but shes grounded for the summer and has no phone till whenever her dad gives it back but its quite obvious that she missed me and this will happen again and now im prepared for it

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Yesterday i texted her back and said " i am on the same page as you, taking things slow is the best route, i apologize for my mistakes" she sends back " i love you troy". We went to lunch and she says to me its not that i was in love with him i loved him, im just not over it. I told her thats holding her back from what she really wants to feel.

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There is some sort of weird communication breakdown going on between us and you. Do you not understand what people are saying to you? Because you keep doing everything the opposite of what everyone is telling you. I mean, do you need it to be explained further? Because for some reason, it's not registering for you.

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Stop talking to her. Don't text, talk, email, send smoke signals, or have any other forms of communications with this girl. You're completely ignoring everyone's advice. You're her Plan B guy. She doesn't love you. She's playing you and her other guy. I don't get why you're having so much trouble understanding this. Leave her alone. Do not respond to anything she says.

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Folks, he is hearing us -- he's just not taking the advice.


As I mentioned in a previous post, he's quite young. How many of us, at 18 or 19, were on board with advice that didn't square with what we *knew* was true, especially if it was about a boyfriend/girlfriend/ex?


Troy, something you will learn -- I hope sooner than later -- is that someone who has to "decide" between you and someone else isn't a good person for you to be involved with, even as a friend. Most likely, she doesn't really want either of you -- she's just keeping her options open. You may have to learn this the hard way, I'm afraid.

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Well theres no form of contact for us and i told her its probably best we stay without contact till school or for a while. So ive been using everyones advice she came to me


Once again, there seems to be a communication breakdown. When she comes to you, YOU AREN'T SUPPOSED TO ANSWER.

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Well i was no contact and then she contacted me. I wouldve thought if she came to me that means see what shes all about you know?


It's too soon for her to be coming back, especially since she's been with someone else almost the whole time. This soon after a breakup, especially with someone else involved, it's HIGHLY unlikely she wants to reconcile -- or that she even has any idea what she wants.


No contact literally means that you don't respond when the person contacts you -- that counts as contact. All you're doing is making yourself available to her so that she can have you on a shelf for later while she dates other people and figures out what she wants.


Trust the people on here who are talking to you about this. I'm old enough to be your mother, and I've been through ALL of this. So have most people posting here.

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Is it possible for someone to bring past feelings and hurt intoa new relationship? Just curious


Listen man, the only way for you to get her back is to move on, when you have moved on completely and she hasn't heard from you in MONTHS, not just 30 days THEN she'll start doubting herself and might want to come back with you IF and only IF she still was interested in you, but until then theres no way in hell shes coming back, plain n' simple.

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