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Will this help with a bit of weight loss?

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I started a juice and veggie "fast" this past weekend. Hoping to lose a bit of water weight before my brother's wedding this upcoming Sunday. So far, I have cut out ALL carbs. I eat salads (with vinagarette dressing) and veggies and since that doesn't really fill me , I am eating some protein (in the form of mock ground beef that has NO soy or gluten). I also drink freshly made green (kale, parsley, spinach, broccoli, lemon, lime and ginger) juice and red (beets, carrots, etc) juice. These are juices that are freshly pressed from fresh veggies (no additives). I do drink coffee in the morning with a small bit of sugar (no cream) since I need my caffeine fix.


So far, I feel more alert and less sluggish (esp since I cut out carbs). I eat throughout the day small meals. In the morning, I have a KIND nut bar with coffee, along with a green juice. I munch on nuts at work for a quick pick me up or some cut up mushrooms with vinagarette dressing. The last few nights at dinner, I had a salad. Tonight, I felt I needed some protein, so I had some mock ground beef with some fresh salsa on it. Followed with a red juice.


I do miss the carbs, but hoping this will help me with some water weight loss, so I look ok.


Any other suggestions about what to do between now and the weekend. Besides the coffee in the morning and the fresh juices, I only drink water with my meals.

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It sounds like you’re on track... but I’d do away with the processed fake meat. It’s the processed stuff that holds extra fat/weight on. Sugar too. Carbs aren’t so bad, just stick with whole grain rice/quinoa, etc... and in smaller amounts.

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The longer you go without processed carb crap, the better you will feel and the less you will miss them. I no longer eat any bread or pasta. It's not something I crave, miss, or even want anymore. I get sandwiches all the time, pick off the bread, and eat what's in the middle.

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I do feel more energetic since I stopped eating carbs. I feel less tired during the work day, etc.


BUT, now I have developed an itchy rash on my stomach that just came out of nowhere. Not sure what is causing it, since I am not eating anything new. I have eaten the mock ground beef before and it never caused issues. Wondering if it could be the juices (as me being allergic to one of the fruits/veggies).

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It may be caused by detoxing. I don't know if I put that in my journal on here, but during the first week and a bit I developed an itchy rash on my hips... right where all my stretch marks are. It went away once I was detoxed, or felt like I was.

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