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is 3 hours too long??

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hello, ok, ive got a question. my friend was telling me the other day, about her and her boyfriends sexual activities, i dont really want all the details, but i feel rude not listening, anyway, she was telling me that it takes her 3 hours! and i was a little shocked, because the average is 20mins-30mins, so i asked what exactly she did in that 3 hours, and she said that it excluded the foreplay, thereforeeee, from the time her boyfriends penis went in her, till the time it came out, it took 3 hours. thats what she told me, and i was really shocked, it shouldnt take that long should it? could there be something wrong? i dont want to say anything to hurt her, but im worried about her, but i dont know for sure if it sometimes does take that long, or if ive got it wrong, but out of curiosity, can it take that long? cos thats a long time, and i would be very tired if i ever had to do it for that long! so could it?

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No way. She's just trying to sound like her boyfriend can keep it up that long; probably trying to "show off" her sex life..

If sex took 3 hours.. I think that would suck. I mean really-- as I'm sure you've assumed, don't you think she'd get sore? Or him? Or get tired?

Just.. she's lying. Period. And it's funny it came from a girl because usually it's the guys trying to pass off that lie.

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My husband and I once went for 1 1/2 hours, and I could barely walk afterwards. There is NO WAY she lasted for 3 hours. She lied. But that's what some people do when it comes to sex. They lie about how many people they've been with, how many orgasms they have had at one time, and how long they last.

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I was talking to my boyfriend of how some people say they have sex for hours, and he said something like they change the minutes to hours, so basically if someone says 3 hours, they mean 3 minutes.. hehe.

But yeah, agreeing with the above comments, it's more likely that they fooled around for that long, but not the actual intercourse.. that's just way too long.

Sorry, I don't mean to sit here calling your friend a liar.. so we'll just go with that she's stretching it

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Yeah this girl is really "stretching" the truth. Unless this guy is popping Viagras and NoDoze there's no way he's going to "up" for all that sex. I mean geez, 3 hours is really long, and if you look at is a workout (which it is) then that is one really long, nonstop workout. Even with a contant change of positions one, or both, of them would be getting tired pretty quick. Now if it did include foreplay, oral, and all that other good stuff, then yeah 3 hours can be achieved, even more if the partner is willing. This girl may just be trying to cover up for something that isn't there (such as premature ejaculation on his part) since it helps that person feel "bigger".

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lol yeah, i really think shes got her time mixed up, i was really shocked, unless she just lies there doing nothing and is a complete turn off for him, then shes got it wrong, i might ask her tomorrow, how long it takes again, but obviously not tell her its abnormal or anything. but gosh she doesnt half get her minutes mixed up!

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There is no way her BF pounded her for 3 hours. I remember in my teen years I could have sex for hours but that would be cum rest, cum, rest cum, rest I would do this 6 or 7 times. But to continuously pound away for 3 hours???? If this is true he must not thik much of her or the moment as all men who feel a women wrap her womenhood around him wouldn't last any more than 10 minutes.

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on a regular basis I would say this is probably not accurate (you need to eat, sleep, and work too but on occasion I have personally went this long. mostly because I wasn't that excited about being with the person and didn't feel a connection, or I was really drunk. either way, it really wasn't as exciting as some of the much shorter sessions that were much more passionate, so I don't know if it's something to brag about ?!?!?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

yah definitely lying. my guy and i did it for an hour, and that was plenty in my opinion, lol. probably 3 hours of fooling around i agree, thats very possible, i do that all the time... but thats getting into things, teasing, joking around, cuddling, then starting foreplay etc... that does take some time if you want it to, but 3 hours of just intercourse is insane!

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OMG, I'd die of boredom after 3 hours of just intercourse!!! I'd have to slap the guy around the head I think, and say "enough already"...


Nope, I would say your friend is definitely stretching the truth, unless there is some freaky kind of drug involved???


Shorter is much sweeter in my opinion...

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DAMN, both of them would be nothing but hamburger meat when they were done!!! There is no possible way even the greatest porn star could go that long. She is telling you a big one trying to make it seem like her BF is AWSOME! Don't worry about it. The longest i think is healthy is 30 min, after that, its work! But to each their own!

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Actually you can quite forget the time while you're busy. The longest I have been, well, humping, 8) is probably around 1.5 hours. Excl. for and afterplay. In this case the afterplay was him falling asleep instantly and me putting some soothing cream in certain areas. We both had pain when we had to sit on our bike the next morning LOL.


No, I think she might be bragging. And even if it is the truth, I wouldn't want to be with that guy. I would fall asleep or really get hungry and boooored.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Im 14 and I love haveing sex.. I can have sex almost maybe about 5 times a day and blow a guy for about 9 or 10 times a day but thats trough out the whole day... after about an hour or an hour and half i get really sore and have to take a break... I never met anyone my age more sex crazy then me and 3 hours is way to long even for me.. i think shes lieing.. girls can do that alot for a lot of diffrant reasons. PM me if you want me to explain why she might be lieing

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ive had sex for about 2-2 1/2 hours with my man but thats after multiple orgasims and postion changing. we would start out he would cum then we would change postions. then he would cum. then change postions once again. so on and so forth. we never stopped through out the whole thing. it all has to do with stamina and how often you have sex. we never have sex so when we doit, its for a long time. plus he just lost his virginity to me about 9 months ago so his stamina is still fresh. so thereforeeee it all depends on the guy. and the girl. so your friend might not be lying but its prolly a good chance. only cause most guys cant get past a hour max.

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First off she was probably exaggerating to you. As all of us do from time to time. It is probably an hour and yes that can be normal. Sometimes it takes me a long time, but it's based on your partner. If he's not doing what he is supposed to do it'll take all night!! Look at it this way, if she wasn't exaggerating then her partner is bad in bed. Otherwise he would be able to get her off quicker!

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I can see spending a whole afternoon in bed... various sorts of foreplay... kissing... oral sex... eating food... several rounds of intercourse, and depending on the guy he may only cum once, or may cum a few times... but during a three hour period I'd expect the woman to climax at least a few times.

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Yeah probably definitally took Viagra, but the fact of the matter is that it shouldn't take your girfriend 3 hours to orgasm. If her partner was doing it the correct way to turn her on, then she's be done a whole lot faster. How long you can last, and how fast you can finish are two separate things.

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