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I'm 24, nearly 25, he's 20, nearly 21


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Is this too big an age gap?

I've never dated anyone younger than me before...we get on very, very well and are on the same wavelength about everything.

Lots of similar tastes and he makes me laugh.

I know it's only 4 years but every time he says he's going to be celebrating his 21st birthday soon, I get a little wave of anxiety. Am I just being silly?

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That's exactly it...I'm worried people will think it's odd because I'm older.


I'm 11 years older than my husband. Last guy I dated before I met him was 18 years older than me.


Really, if you're at all concerned about what other people think about the age difference, you've got some stuff to work on. Like making the following realizations:


1. Most people are so wrapped up in their own dramas, they barely notice anyone else's....including yours.


2. Those that do take the time to notice and make the effort to formulate/express an opinion need to realize it's very likely none of their business. The exception being if they have logical reason to believe someone is being abused. If the intent is to try to help someone and get them out of harm's way, that's very different than making a judgment about something that they simply do not like or do not understand or would not choose for themselves.


3. You have the right to ignore other people's opinions and do what you feel is in your best interest. As long as you're not intentionally harming the person or property of another, you're probably alright and should simply go about your business as you see fit.

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That's not a big deal as long as you're close maturity-wise. My good friend starting dating a girl when he was 17 and she was 21, that was 4 years ago... now they are engaged. It seemed to work for them! Four years is not a big issue.

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  • 1 month later...

Haha. It's more common than you think, my fiancé is also 4 years younger than me (20/24) and he's a great, loving guy that's experienced a lot of life for someone so young.


Get 'em while they're young and fresh I say

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