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getting fit after breakup

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Hey all! I was just wondering if there were some people out there who, after a breakup, were able to get really fit within a month or two. I was just wondering because I am inevitably going to bump into my ex in about a month (work related) and I'd like to be in the best shape I can be. If there are other men who are willing to share workout tips (especially for the busy man, since I work a 12 hour shift, 5 days a week), it would be greatly appreciated. And even for the ladies, I'd like to hear stories as well. I ran into a co-worker who also was in a breakup and she hadn't seen her ex in about a month, and she became a bit jealous when she saw that her ex had been able to get in good shape....so that's a reason why i'd like to bring up a thread like this.

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Men can get "fit" faster than a woman...just a fact.


However....if you are willing to push exercise to the max, cut out excess carbs (sugar, flour, alcohol) and eat lean meat/fish/chx....you may be able to drop 4 lbs....and tone a bit. That's all.

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I got in the best physical shape of my life within two months after my crappy bu. I took master po's advice and started by just walking 30 minutes. I was out of shape and had not done anything really close to exercise in over a year before that. My the end of two months I was jogging 5-7 miles almost daily and went from about 122 lbs to just under 110. I'm only 5'2" so I basically went from a pretty average figure to slim. Thankfully, I'm built like an hour glass so I kept my curves (hips, butt, boobs) but was small. The jogging helped and prompted me to eat better.

Good luck!!!

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On yesssss the heartbreak make over!!! I have done this and yes it is definetely a healthy ego boosting way to heal...but do it because YOU want to feel better not to get your ex back. Your ex noticing is simply an added bonus, but YOU are the prize. Never ever forget that!!!!!

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I got in the best physical shape of my life within two months after my crappy bu. I took master po's advice and started by just walking 30 minutes. I was out of shape and had not done anything really close to exercise in over a year before that. My the end of two months I was jogging 5-7 miles almost daily and went from about 122 lbs to just under 110. I'm only 5'2" so I basically went from a pretty average figure to slim. Thankfully, I'm built like an hour glass so I kept my curves (hips, butt, boobs) but was small. The jogging helped and prompted me to eat better.

Good luck!!!


what kind of shoes did you have? I'm having a devil of a time finding walking shoes that don't hurt my feet. I'm trying to do 40 minutes with the first 10 up an 8% grade, but my walking shoes make it torture. I want to go buy some tomorrow when I get paid.



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First, do those things for yourself. For you to feel good about yourself. Not to impress the EX! She might see you and not even blink and you start wondering whats the point??

Do this for yourself! You get in shape for you to feel good about yourself, not for her. She doesnt deserve that much.


In my case I got to do some home exercises. Im not to into walking since I live in the interior of the city and walking around town with the polution and noise from cars isnt going to do it for me.

Try push-ups. In less than a month my arms and shoulders look really good (in my opinion). Also, to complement that try using dumbells and do squats. I started doing the squats because my upper body was becoming to V shaped and my legs and butt simply disappeared ( ). I lost 5kgs in these last 2 months. I eat and drink as I always did.


Good luck.

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I have been doing yoga, surfing, hiking, biking, and weight lifting.



Dropped about 10 lbs in the last month, but also packed a little bit of muscle.


Definitely doing it for me (you should too), it's a legal high if your exercise hard enough. I was in the best shape of my life when I met my ex, and comfort let me just slip.


My goal is to get into the best shape of my life.... Better than last time. I'm already the most flexible I've ever been.




Try to eat a healthy, balanced diet. I won't preach a specific one. Cut out the bad stuff... eating buckets of ice cream, fast food, MSG, tons of processed foods. The list can go on forever.


The biggest thing for me, is to just move. I am trying to avoid idle time and filling it in with exercise and also with social exercise (volleyball, soccer, biking with others, hiking)


Depends what kind of shape you're in, and what you're looking to achieve.



When I train 5-6x/week, and my diet is really good... the results even in a month are fairly impressive. I also studied exercise science and was personal training people 40+ hours a week for a few years. So knowledge is power, but don't make it complicated, just eat right and move.

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I used a pair of sacouny that were already about two years old but since I had not used them for actually exercise they were in decent shape when I started. My brother is a former runner and he highly advised me to go to a specialty running shoe store and invest in a REAL rumner's shoe. I didn't dish out over $100 for shoes so eventually replaced the saucony with a pair of new balance. They are ok but not as good as the saucony pair.

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Me too after the break up went to my best shape ever. However do it for yourself and don't think for a moment you lost her for your physical appearance or that you gonna get her back because of how fit you are now. You might find her dating a chubby guy and all your faked self-esteem is gonna fall apart.


Get fit and plan to make it a part of your life. You'll see the improvements and you'll gain a lot of self confidence plus attracting new girls. Good luck!

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