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She wants back in my life afterdumping me 6 months ago.....taking it slow...


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Markie....thanks bro...


Ya know what? You're 100% right, I'm glad I gave it a crack! I was the one doing good finally, she was the one second guessing her initial decision from 6 months ago, and now she can also second guess her recent decision not to commit to me after asking back in.....


While I was dating a few months ago, I always felt like I was "betraying" her, I felt deep in my gut she'd come back eventually, it was hard to date.... much less be intimate with girls, I always felt guilt and emptiness afterward, I really missed intimacy with her.....I know it's odd, but I hadn't really let go as much as I thought I had.


I don't feel that way anymore, it's like I really tried man, I took her back, and she rejected me again so my slate and conscious is clean now, and I'm angry at why she would do this to me again after it was SHE who asked back in....so I use my anger to re-distance myself and just bail for good now.


Just puzzling......

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Sorry to Hear Jon, looks like you're gonna grow from this and perhaps has finally brought closure.


I am one of those hopeful ones still, the love of my life broke it off with me yesterday. I saw your thread, and I jumped to the end after your first post to see what happened. It gave me hope, although everyone is different. I don't think if I am searching for hope I will ever heal.

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So sorry, I thought the love of my life (my ex-wife) was just that, but turns out we can have many loves-of-our-lives....


I'm a believer that we may be with a person at a certain moment who is "the one", but there are literally thousands of others out there who could be "the one" at a different point in time and under different circumstances.....


Not sure how my ex-GF will respond tonight when I lay down that I'm out if she can't explain why I should be giving her this final chance, and explain quickly, but I'm peaceful in that I'm OK, and that next "the one" is just out there, waiting for fortunas wheel to spin and bring our lives together in a chance meeting!


Wow....only a day out, man I know how ya feel, post here alot....it helps.....


Give her space and distance and just remember that you are whole and complete on your own!


We're all here for ya!

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Thanks all, but last night I told her to never contact me again.


She again would not commit, told me "I love you, but don't think I can give you what you need".....


Really????? After broken up 6 months and after 2 months of strict NC?? After I was fine and dandy....movin on strong, dating and living again and SHE asked back in.....only to become confused and unsure again???


I feel so stupid and gullible.....


AND she had the nerve to ask could she pick up and drop off my dog for visits when I wasn't there???


I didn't even respond and I hope thats the last I hear from her....EVER AGAIN.....

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Thanks all, but last night I told her to never contact me again.


She again would not commit, told me "I love you, but don't think I can give you what you need".....


Really????? After broken up 6 months and after 2 months of strict NC?? After I was fine and dandy....movin on strong, dating and living again and SHE asked back in.....only to become confused and unsure again???


I feel so stupid and gullible.....


AND she had the nerve to ask could she pick up and drop off my dog for visits when I wasn't there???


I didn't even respond and I hope thats the last I hear from her....EVER AGAIN.....


Reading this really hits home for me, dude. My EX said and did the SAME thing. I let the entire limbo go on for 4 years because I never forgave myself for the wrong that I did when we were in the relationship. But now, I've forgiven myself and WILL NOT let that happen again with her or anyone else. So don't let this one go in limbo at all. Just move on, friend.

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Yeah man, it was no surprise but of the 5 years we were together, first 3 were great! Last 2 ...meh, not so much....


I was just out walking in the woods, bidding a job, and it really struck me how although I'm down that it didn't work out, and I had to eject her from my life again, that she wasn't really there for the last 2 years anyway....


I was constantly wondering would it last? Would she not invite me to functions? Would she break another date?


And although she's out of my life for good now, I would have been unsure about our future anyways....always worried and watchful, and that's not love man...no way...


At least now I don't have to worry, and can focus on the future and someone who'll truly love me for real.

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Yeah, doesn't sound like it would've been healthy for you to stick around. Good call on cutting her out finally. Turn the focus on yourself as a single, happy, successful man. Do whatever you have to. I've been practicing this for the last 2 months and so far it's been pretty awesome. I love me more everyday and forgetting about relationships for a while. It's ME time!

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