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Basically ive been going out with this girl since october last year, and we were taking it slow... everything was going great she seemed keen, slept in her house all that but 3 days ago she just broke up with me!! she texted me saying that shes got hurt in her last relationship and theres always that what if with me, and shes just confused and thinks shes better off on her own and doesnt want the stress and to be in a relationship. Obviously i was very hurt because i really fell for her. I tried talking to her she said shed see me to see how it goes etc but on the day she just made her mind up and said shed been thinking all night and said she just doesnt know what she wants right now and that shes not 100% about me or being in a relationship.


Im hurt, havent spoke to her in a day and all i think about is her, i dont know weather i should leave it for a few days and text her back saying i miss her etc, i dont know if thatl have an effect on her and make her think things through or what. She has a twin sister which shes really close to so i doubt shes going to be thinking about me. People have told me to move on dont text her etc but i just find it so hard, she was really good looking and it took me a long time to find someone like her and i just cant take being alone and bored lol. She said to me for us to still be friends and stuff but i dont know, shes all i think about anyway.

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For now you should respect her wishes and leave her be. She obviously isnt commited to a relationship and nothing you say or do can change that. She will have to come to that conclusion on her own. She didnt just come to this conclusion over night, and she isnt going to change her mind over night either.

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if i tell her i miss her wont that make her think hmmm i kind of miss him too. She wasnt one to tell me stuff it was always me who had to make the first move with everything. If i keep it casual text her etc wont she get annoyed and be like omg its him again.

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Im hurt, havent spoke to her in a day and all i think about is her, i dont know weather i should leave it for a few days and text her back saying i miss her etc, i dont know if thatl have an effect on her and make her think things through or what. She has a twin sister which shes really close to so i doubt shes going to be thinking about me. People have told me to move on dont text her etc but i just find it so hard, she was really good looking and it took me a long time to find someone like her and i just cant take being alone and bored lol. She said to me for us to still be friends and stuff but i dont know, shes all i think about anyway.



I think this has more to do with your fear that another one might not come along, so you better try to hold on to this one, even when shes told you she doesnt want to be held on to.

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Trust me buddy, now is when you see who she really is. The masks come off. I hope this isnt the case t.rust me I dont wish it upon anybody. Id say prepare for the worst, but hope for the best ya know? I hope she's just having issues of her own and you guys can work this out I'm just saying always keep a little guard up, somethings arent as they appear either way. Let it be and see what happens for a few days maybe a week, then reach out and ask her if she'd like to go to lunch or something.

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Thats exactly right edmund, Yeah well i just texted her now ( i know i shouldent have but i couldent help it lol ) saying hi you ok, hope you havent deleted my number and she replied saying no i havent your still under boyfriend... i havent got round to changing it yet. She mite do now though lol. i havent said i miss her and im not going to, what i think il do is not text her everyday like before but text her every 3 days or something see how the friendly text chat goes.

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I think thats a good idea for your situation. She didnt need to tell you what you are saved as in her phone, so my guess is she is still interested in you. Remain calm, and not needy. Just keep being friendly id say. But still keep you guard up, there has to be a reason for her recent behavior id say.

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yeah, its just all confusing me... like i see her picture on facebook or instagram and then i just feel worse lol. Il be like friends with her but i dont know how or if i should ask her if she wants to do something again, like i said with her its always me who makes the first move, wel see how it goes i guess.... thats all i can do.

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