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Looking more my age?


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You know what I find very irritating? When people, specifically women, feel the need to point out that I look like I'm 13. Nothing more discouraging than having someone basically tell you that you look like a child...


Now, in fairness, I'm very short (5'1"), and I have a naturally youthful looking face, neither of which I can do much about. But I'm just so tired of getting these comments. Makes me feel bad, yanno?


And no offense, but please save the "You'll appreciate it when you're older" stuff. Doesn't do me any good now, and I don't feel I have much of a chance of attracting a girl. Not many 24+ year old women interested in dating a 13 year old little boy, yanno?

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Can you grow facial hair?


If so grow it out for a few days and use a beard trimmer to cut it down to a dense stubble, this will add an extra rugged look that will scream maturity.


If you can't grow facial hair or don't feel comfortable growing it, the best way is dressing more mature


Dress to impress! Stay away from those Bright colourful graphic shirts you see in sports stores go for something more plain like a white v neck.


Establish your own style while keeping it smart and casual


Don't try too hard


Hairstyling, if you do it keep it smart no spikes or gel!! Matt wax and a little direction shows maturity and awareness of appearance


Accessories, bracelets are fine but keep it simple!!

Gold and silver is for girls keep to leather or wood and only one or two bracelets at a time if you like to wear them


A watch is a good idea also no digital watch, a smart understated watch shows responsibility and organisation



Just play it cool

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Can you grow facial hair?


If so grow it out for a few days and use a beard trimmer to cut it down to a dense stubble, this will add an extra rugged look that will scream maturity.


I've been trying to for a few years now, but it's weird... It's been growing on my neck/ the underside of my chin and a little bit going towards my ears, but after all this time, it still doesn't come in much thicker, and it's still not really coming in on the rest of my face. I also get some hair above my upper lip, but it's always the light "peach fuzz" type kind, and the same for any hair that springs up on my chin. I don't get why I can't get it to grow on the rest of my face. Ideally, I'd like to have an overall "stubble" kind of look going on, but I can't get it to grow out, for whatever reason.


As far as clothes, a lot of times, I get these comments while I'm at work, and being in my work uniform, I can't exactly wear anything different. I don't interact much with strangers outside of work, but I wouldn't be shocked if many of them look at me the same way, too... I typically just wear t-shirt and jeans. *shrug*

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Oh I see

Sometimes that's worse than ever and causes you too look worse

I know what you mean though a few years ago I looked like 14 years old after a shave!


It's hard to bring your personality accross when your in a work uniform.


You say you just wear jeans and a t-shirt is your aim to look your age so girls would be interested in you?

Or is it to simply stop people making fun of you and take you seriously?


It may not seem like alot but both can be solved by taking more pride in your appearance, I used to think I would never have a chance with some of the gorgeous girls I would see.


I was simply told "why would any girl take interest in you, if you don't take interest in yourself"


I hated shopping for clothes and would buy the cheapest things I could find online that I liked and would fit me.


Now I take pride in what I buy, I used to be so reluctant to try new things I would feel people would make fun of me for wearing something new and fashionable.


Unless you have your eye on a particular girl from work I would let them know that the comments don't bother you, have fun with it make a joke about it even! Works work and it sucks occasionally


Show your comfortable in your own skin, wear what you want and try new things


Theirs not a lot of more advice I can give you, unfortunately you have fallen on being vertically and follicly challenged you have to just get comfortable in your own skin


Maybe somebody else has better advice for you good luck!

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Shave bud. Looking like you're trying to grow something is ok in grade 10. If you can't do scruff at 24, better to go clean.


Just my opinion.


I guess. I dunno, I feel like when I'm completely clean shaven, it makes me look even MORE "childish", plus it makes my face seem kinda fat. But, I do see your point, too.


Perhaps this is a silly question, but is there any way to maybe facilitate growing facial hair on the rest of my face? Ideally, I'd like to have a "scruffier" look, but it only seems to sprout out in the same spot every time I shave.

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I guess. I dunno, I feel like when I'm completely clean shaven, it makes me look even MORE "childish", plus it makes my face seem kinda fat. But, I do see your point, too.


Perhaps this is a silly question, but is there any way to maybe facilitate growing facial hair on the rest of my face? Ideally, I'd like to have a "scruffier" look, but it only seems to sprout out in the same spot every time I shave.


Genetics aside (you cant do anyhig there) testosterone is the only thing that will help you grow more facial hair.


The only natural way to increase testosterone is to eat fat and lift heavy.


As for your face looking fat - have you tried growing your hair out a bit? Bigger hair can make your face look smaller.

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