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Packed and Ready To Go

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21st December Im leaving the little house I rented straight after my break up way back in another life time feb 22 2012. Decided a while ago I wanted a new town a new place a new house. This one reminds me too much of misery and pain I went through here in those first few months. I never really moved in here, boxes stayed unpacked , didnt have much just junk, no furniture nothing.

As I was picking up one of the boxes it fell apart and out came some photos of my children. Taken god knows how many summers ago. It stung had not looked at them for so long. It was managable and I continued packing what I have. Strange feeling now as I really say good bye to my home town and move further out. Im ready for this now, ready for the next bold step.

My relationship with my Daughter has been healed ... things are calm.


I have no furniture as my current house was furnished. Dont have a cooker or a fridge or a chair to sit on when I left "the family" home I left it all. But this is what a new start is all about is it not. Something I could never really acomplish while living here. One day in the future I will maybe move back to home town but not yet. Too much to do and prove to myself.

Its ok to be sad one time in a while shows we can still feel. But im OK. I feel strong. Im ready for the next step. My past is now rapidly being over taken with my future


Where ever you are and what ever your going through ... its gonna pass. Please trust me on that.


: -)

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I wish you good luck my friend but I sense a budding confidence and you won't need it, events will fall in place. All suffering is its own reward kind of thing. I'm making a big move myself and it has moments of sadness but hey, we had enough of that.


Yes, I agree. The pain will pass, just time and endorphins to kick it along.

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Hello mate,


That's fantastic news, a big step, a new chapter to explore and enjoy. You've come such a long way these last few months and found that all important strength. I'm happy that things are all good with your daughter now. Thank you for you support and words and I wish you happiness in this new chapter of your life

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Good for you bud. I'm having a hard time leaving my old place, but I know it's for the best.


Best of luck with the move.


You're right, it does pass.



Leaving giving a fresh start for yourself can be so good .. even if it does feel scary. And yes it does pass. Wish you well also

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I wish you good luck my friend but I sense a budding confidence and you won't need it, events will fall in place. All suffering is its own reward kind of thing. I'm making a big move myself and it has moments of sadness but hey, we had enough of that.


Yes, I agree. The pain will pass, just time and endorphins to kick it along.


Ah I like the part about endorphins ha ha. Your posts always make total sense ... I too wish you really well with your own big move. Sadness yes at times but like you say we had enough of that. Time to move on really is ... all the best with where ever you heading

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Hello mate,


That's fantastic news, a big step, a new chapter to explore and enjoy. You've come such a long way these last few months and found that all important strength. I'm happy that things are all good with your daughter now. Thank you for you support and words and I wish you happiness in this new chapter of your life


Hey there fella thanks for your words and your support ... lets see what this new chapter brings ... a fridge and a cooker at least I hope and maybe a chair to sit on lol.

Take care keep pushing forward my man!!

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Dinocaz, you're not leaving here too are you?


Good luck with your move. I think you're definitely doing the right thing. Grab life by the balls. Get out there. Experience a different location. It really will help you i think.

I'm tempted to move away next year too. But it's a distant thought right now.


Please let us know how you're getting on. I'm excited for you



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Best of luck to you. But I agree with MasterPo that you probably won't even need it


What's a one little move, after all that you've been through. You are a one tough sob If they will ever make another sequel of Die Hard they should hire you





ha ha aww thanks ... I have not felt tough or hard many times but then I would just pretend ... but by being ICE it has allowed me in some way to fast track my way out of hell

and back to life. Thank you for your words of encourgment!!! And the same to )

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Dinocaz, you're not leaving here too are you?


Good luck with your move. I think you're definitely doing the right thing. Grab life by the balls. Get out there. Experience a different location. It really will help you i think.

I'm tempted to move away next year too. But it's a distant thought right now.


Please let us know how you're getting on. I'm excited for you




Hi Limiya no I always lurk here sometimes post. I dont spend as much time on here as before but im not quitting ENA. It is a site that helped me so so much in the early dreadfull days. My new location is the center of the bowls of the earth. High unemployment - poverty - a real ground zero - but I choose its location on purpose for that. I will be a nobody. And thats where I rebuild. No one will see me coming which is fine. Everything is gonna be ok and 6 months from now this will make alot of sense to those around me who gave up on me. So much I have to do and prove and now im taking this step for me and my future.


The battle is fought and won in the trenches of which they are many in the uk ha ha


Wishing you Limiya also the best

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