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Blunt or not to be Blunt?


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I'll be honest. I am in a new city/town almost every day. Right now, there is really no reason to be in relationship. I just want to "have fun".


Do most girls know of a guys intentions? Or do they hint that I guy is looking for a possible one night stand?


If so, how does a GUY make his intentions clear without being creepy about it. I mean, I don't think its right to say "hey, lets have sex".


Are there certain things I can say? Do?


I only have 2 nights of tour left! I am on my last stretch!!!

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I agree that you shouldn't just assume. I also agree that saying "let's just have sex" is completely unsexy.


I think you should just say stuff like you are "enjoying the single life" and that you "don't want a relationship". Maybe you can throw in that they are "too much work" and you "just want to have fun".


Also - don't do things that can be construed as relationship-type behaviour. Don't buy flowers, don't take them on dates and don't write poems.


I think that's what most guys do that don't want a relationship...

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It appears that you're looking for a one night stand. If that's what you want, assuming you're partying a bar/party with your band, it's not that hard. Just get physical with her faster than normal and if she doesn't stop you keep going.


As for being blunt, you just have to feel the vibe she is giving you. I've had success with telling girls that's what I want and they agreed to it. Of course I didn't say "do you wanna have sex?" It was more like "this make out session's getting boring, let's go do it in my backseat." (or somewhere along those lines anyways) I've had girls say no but they continued to make moves on me, if this happens, just say it again. Chances are if you meet a drunk girl at a bar, you're probably not going to go out with her after that. You've got nothing to lose, especially since you're out of town.


Just a side note. I've never received a bad reaction from saying this to a girl at a bar. The offer has been turned down before, but I've yet to come accross a girl that was offended by it.

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I'll be honest. I am in a new city/town almost every day. Right now, there is really no reason to be in relationship. I just want to "have fun".


Do most girls know of a guys intentions? Or do they hint that I guy is looking for a possible one night stand?


If so, how does a GUY make his intentions clear without being creepy about it. I mean, I don't think its right to say "hey, lets have sex".


Are there certain things I can say? Do?


I only have 2 nights of tour left! I am on my last stretch!!!


Be blunt with your behavior not what you say. Even if a woman wants to have sex she will say no if just out right asked. She still wants to be seduced and feel sexy. She doesn't want to feel like a slattern. When she wakes up feeling guilty she can rationalize by thinking to herself she was seduced and overwhelmed by charm.

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You need to lead out but never ask a girl straight up for sex! You just have to make it happen and don`t give her space to re-think her decision to go home with you. When you are at home, I think it`s pretty obvious "something" is gonna happen. If you manage to kiss her, you can also sleep with her. If it`s her "special week" Abort mission and play the romantic guy who moves slow. Take her number, put her in your cellphone-harem and hook up with her when she is "ready to meet the Captain"

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