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I made some serious strides! BUT...what do I need to NOT do next time?


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I'm on tour with a band. I'm in a different town almost every night.


The other night, we were at a bar. I was in the right mood, felt good about things and just let myself do what I thought was good to do.


I talked to this girl, we flirted (I think! she even slapped my butt!) It was her birthday and she was partying but still was feeling sad about her age or something. That happens to everyone when they age. She turned 30.


Anyways, I was drinking too but every time I talked to her, she always smiled at me. I really felt something. Like a VIBE. Eventually, I got her away from the crowd... (I had a little help from my band dudes..they suggested, "hey, you should play her a birthday song in the RV"...)


Well, I made my moves. We talked. She told me I smelled good. I pushed her hair back from her face. I popped kissed her. Kissed her cheeks. Kissed on neck (sort of) She actually kissed on my ears...BUT....


I went for TONGUE action and she kept on pushing me back. I felt like crap. I was at first OK... but I really wanted to get romantic. I think I tried like 5 times. hahaha! But I guess she didn't mind the random kiss on cheeks?. We were close talking..She was emotional. Yes, she was drinking but I wanted to comfort her, but ALSO --- DAMN!! --- I felt like I was getting the look.


Anyways, at this same time --- she had some random guy who liked her (a really good friend?) who wasn't really leaving us alone. Dude was so blocking. My band dudes tried to keep him company.


Back INSIDE the RV, the girl and I were still hanging out. I knew she was tired. Somehow "cuddling" came up and I was like, the couch pulls out, "you want to cuddle here.?" and she said yes. So I made the bed or so, and then I got next to her, "cuddling",,,but then she says


"If you do anything WEIRD, I'll slit your throat." I immediately felt terrible. I didn't want to give the impression I was going to rape her. I then was asking questions and I think I was trying to calm her down... Anyways, the LIGHT was still on. I'm wondering if I had just turned off the light and let her sleep, that would've been alright??? Well, I texted my homeboys about what she said and I was like "I think you guys can come back in RV"...then the girls buddy was still hanging around and calling for her. She heard him but she actually thought it was some other guy! hahaha!... Well, the band had to get on the road so I let her leave with her friend.


I never got her number or anything. I don't even know if I said goodbye. It was kind of weird.


So, did I do things wrong? Do things right? I took the confidence to kiss a girl. I had never been that CLOSE with a girl! I do feel bad a tiny bit because she was drinking but I don't think she was "wasted". Did I take advantage of her? I was drinking as well.



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Congratulations on getting "somewhere" with a girl since your lack of "game" (not the word I wanted to use, but can't think of a better one) has been bothering you for awhile.


I don't think you took advantage of her. Maybe next time, don't go for the tongue so fast, but some girls probably would have reciprocated. If you were taking advantage of her you would have tried to make out with her again on that couch and/or take off some of her clothes. I think it's good that you didn't do that. I don't think she thought you were a horrible person, but she made that threatening comment because at least 50% of guys, if in the same situation you guys were in, would have tried to take off her clothes.


It sounds like you have jumped a hurdle and had that successful flirt with a girl you've been wanting. Next time you should try to get her number. In that situation I know it would be hard to find the right time to ask for it so I don't think it was a huge fault that you didn't get it.

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You tried to tongue kiss her on the cheek? Good job on trying but skip all that cheek kissing crap. Just go straight for the lips, especially if you got her alone in a van by yourself lol. Good job tho on getting closer.


I don't think he meant he tried to tongue kiss her on the cheek, I think he meant he tried to tongue kiss her on the lips and she pushed him back..

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  • 4 weeks later...

I think you shouldn't keep pushing for a tongue kiss when you've only just met a girl. I know you are dying for some romance but some of us like to take things slow. After a couple of push-backs take the hint and give up going for the mouth. I think her comment about slitting your throat was a bit much but she obviously must have felt a little uncomfortable. Or she was just crazy. It sounded positive with the other moves but try not to rush things 'else you'll hit a dead-end. Next time you need a less awkward ending where you actually get the girl's number.

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I am guessing the girl was enjoying the attention because she felt a little low as she was turning 30 and probably wanted a guy to celebrate with. She may just had been having drunken fun, but didn't really want to get physical which is why she pushed you back. At least the stories are getting a little more exciting.

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