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Should guys tell you beforehand that they have a LITTLE Penis?


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you are starting to sound like a broken record honestly and i agree with Luke......you have been given advice over and over and over and over and over again but you are just stuck in your way of thinking......even if a woman had a very well endowed man before you, well it doesn't stay stretched, after all, after child birth it also doesn't stay that way or all men would have problems after they had a child.....

and if my bf fingers me, with just one finger, i can feel it and i doubt his finger is bigger than your penis......NO woman is going to say she can't feel it, get this nonsense out of your head....this is all leading nowhere but give you a terrible bad self image....

and you seriously have to stop calling yourself handicapped over this, that is very offensive to people with actual handicaps

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I've had two recent relationships, one owns the largest penis I have ever seen o.O and one owns the smallest in my adult-life sexual experience. And it is very small. The guy with the smaller apparatus is actually the guy I'm seeing now, and I'm so so so attracted to him. . . and he is VERY good in bed. He turns me on, and he gets me off. Over and over.


I can definitely say that size does NOT matter. I did once believe that it did. But I've learned from experience that it is all in how you use, what you have.

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I've had two recent relationships, one owns the largest penis I have ever seen o.O and one owns the smallest in my adult-life sexual experience. And it is very small. The guy with the smaller apparatus is actually the guy I'm seeing now, and I'm so so so attracted to him. . . and he is VERY good in bed. He turns me on, and he gets me off. Over and over.


I can definitely say that size does NOT matter. I did once believe that it did. But I've learned from experience that it is all in how you use, what you have.


Are you really going to tell us that the huge one didn't feel better,make you drool a little when it comes out, and give you more pleasure? Honestly. honest question looking for hoenst answer. how small we talking ?


he must have been a really big ******* for you to choose the other guy huh?

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Oh my goodness cv, you need to quell this preoccupation...its getting out of hand. You say you don't view men as walking dildos, but then you think a man with a large one has to be the scum of the planet because she found a guy without one that she really digs.

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Oh my goodness cv, you need to quell this preoccupation...its getting out of hand. You say you don't view men as walking dildos, but then you think a man with a large one has to be the scum of the planet because she found a guy without one that she really digs.



ehhh thats not what i meant. i meant like if both guys were cute smart funny and intelligent.....guess whos going to win each and every time? why should i bother if there are people just as cute if not cuter just as smart if not emart etc if they will always be able to pleasure a woman better? im trying to see the silver lining. no penetration isnt everything but its a large part of sex...sometimes a woman wants to be pounded and filled up....something i will never be able to do for them.

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I was completely open and honest in my post. When I was with the 'bigger' guy....it was perfect. The relationship ended, and months later I met guy #2....the smaller guy.


Meanwhile Guy #1, the "bigger" guy, came back.....wanted to resume our relationship. I have no reason to lie to you, no motive OP.....I had great sex with #1.


But....I am not sure if I've ever had hotter sex than with #2....the "small" guy. He touches me with such passion, he tells me and shows me how turned on he is....and he gets me off.

What more can I say? My lover with the very large penis.....he didn't give oral, he didn't touch me anywhere (seriously, nowhere) he relied only on his large appendage. Sure it did the trick for orgasms.....but....I love to be kissed and touched everywhere, and I love to be with a man who loves my body.


I honestly now have a choice....both of these men want me. I care about both of them, as individuals, as friends. But I'm super hot for #2 and he happens to have the small penis. He is definitely my first choice. Because he touches me everywhere and makes me feel like a real woman, makes me feel desired and beautiful. Repeating....he definitely gives me multiple orgasms.



I think perhaps you have a complex about your perceived size. I"m sorry for that.....it's really not relevant to an authentic sex life.

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if only all woman were like you rather then just maybe 5-10% you are a truly beautiful person for sticking by him despite his small penis. I assume number 2 cannot make you orgasm vaginally like +1. Something tells me if guy 1 was great at oral sex and knew how to touch you as well.....it would be quite obvious who you would pick. im sure youve even thought to yourself many many times. "hes so perfect in every other way i just wish he was bigger" yeah DONT lie you KNOW youve thought that ATLEAST once. basically you got one of the very rare big penis idiots who thinks big penis's are alll their is to sex. if he wasnt so dumb and learend a few things, hed have you for sure as the other guy just wouldnt even be considered competition.

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For guys like myself with a small penis, should we divulge this information to women ahead of time so they know what to expect and aren't caught off guard?


I'm going to say NO!!


Reminds me of a story my friend told me. She's a beautiful Brazilian girl who came to the US to study english for 6 months. She had a bf back home but they were young and decided to "take a break" to figure out their lives. When she was in the US, she met "Bob" and they started dating and she was really into him, but he was kind of wishy washy. She said one night, they were drunk, she was really horny, and just as she was ripping off his clothes, he tells her, "I think you should know, I have a small penis." She said, "ok, I can't do this." it just RUINED THE MOOD. it's not that his penis was small, but she said with the way he was acting, it caused her to remember how nice things were with her boyfriend in brazil, so she decided that's that. She didn't have sex with Bob, and she is now happily, head over heels in love with her Brazilian husband.


there you go.

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ummmm sounds to me like it WAS his small penis that screwed his chances....explain further? this is a clear cut case of rejection due to size, he was just trying to warn her.


nope. he was wishy washy with her for so long, and then it just killed the attraction that night when he said it. just interrupted the flow of what was happening.

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ummmm sounds to me like it WAS his small penis that screwed his chances....explain further? this is a clear cut case of rejection due to size, he was just trying to warn her.


Quit hijacking the thread please.


And even I saw what the story meant. Your perspective is colored by your attitude towards yourself. What ruined the mood was his self esteem and his ego focus on something insignificant to be mentioned. It was not his small penis but it was his self esteem towards himself, towards his body image. Seriously, the reason why anyone would run from someone who mentioned they have a small penis is their self esteem issues towards that and speaks baggage that is way too obvious for the one that is just considering you. If I was considering a person, and realized with hard facts of how his self esteem is, I would not want to deal with that. It is not my issues. It's for the person to fix himself. People are in a relationship to love, and to contribute who they are to the other person. it is not wanting to be complete by the other person contributing who they are to yourself because that is a vast imbalance of dependence or whatever. You get the point.

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I definetly read it wrong. it was for sure a stupid thing for him to say and if he had just been confident he woulda been balls deep in brazilian p00n. does size REALLY NOT MATTER at all? (barring the dreaded micro penis medical condition)


The truth is, size does matter to most women but remember that a huge one can be just as problematic as a tiny one.


The world is not fair. Some people are born with defects, which is truly unfortunate. You're born with a small penis, which is unfortunate for you, but also for many many other guys living on this planet. The difference is, the ones who are confident will still get the girls and get the pu**y. The ones who only complain about what they've been given will not only get no girls, but they won't be magically gifted a larger penis either.

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The truth is, size does matter to most women but remember that a huge one can be just as problematic as a tiny one.


The world is not fair. Some people are born with defects, which is truly unfortunate. You're born with a small penis, which is unfortunate for you, but also for many many other guys living on this planet. The difference is, the ones who are confident will still get the girls and get the pu**y. The ones who only complain about what they've been given will not only get no girls, but they won't be magically gifted a larger penis either.


so i can go ahead and take "most women" immediately out of the pool of potential mates? its that ****ty having a small penis? I mean jesus christ....did you think you were helping with that post?? i feel wayyy ***kin worse now man. calling my junk an "unfortunate defect" thanks man ***

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so i can go ahead and take "most women" immediately out of the pool of potential mates? its that ****ty having a small penis? I mean jesus christ....did you think you were helping with that post?? i feel wayyy ***kin worse now man. calling my junk an "unfortunate defect" thanks man ***


Just because women would rather an average sized one doesn't mean it's gonna be a deal breaker for them in a relationship.


I didn't mean having a small penis is a defect. It's just something a little unfortunate that a huge number of guys have to deal with.


I was just putting some truth into that post. If I had said, "nah mate every women would prefer a small one", I doubt you'd buy it.


At the end of the day, all you need to do is quit thinking about your size and go on with life like a guy with a larger penis would. You'll be fine trust me.


This is what you call dealing with it like a man, not a little self condescending boy.

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Judging by number of women who prefer watching lesbian porn over straight porn, who can't orgasm through intercourse, who prefer sex with a condom on I think it's very easy so say that you don't need a penis in bedroom at all to satisfy her.

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CV - Not everyone is going to tell you that your penis is perfect(hey, MIND YOU, none of us can see your junk over here). You have 85% of people telling you in the scheme of things, it's not a fuss. Then 15% or less telling you that maybe it's a small fuss. So? Big deal. I'm 6 foot tall. Some guys think THAT'S a big deal and might not want to date me for it.


Your sense of self-worth for the hour or day seems to depend on what other people think. That is what's going to screw you over badly in life, not your penis. It's also not everyone's job here to boost your self-esteem. That's something you do on your own - And you hold your head up high no matter what people think or say to you. Work on that and things will fall into place.

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Are you really going to tell us that the huge one didn't feel better,make you drool a little when it comes out, and give you more pleasure? Honestly. honest question looking for hoenst answer. how small we talking ?


he must have been a really big ******* for you to choose the other guy huh?


I go back to my previous comment. When I said that you are viewing men as walking dildos, you're assuming that penis size is the centerpiece of what makes a woman sexually satisfied. So much so, you're assuming that the guy must have been a horrible person for her to consider breaking up with him.


Clearly this just isn't the case. Sexual satisfaction is much more complicated than how large a penis or how tight a vagina is.

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Holy shiz, this fixation with this size issue is getting out of hand don't you think OP? I mean for God sakes, you're AVERAGE in size, you're not inadequate so stop thinking so freakin negatively about yourself. What I learnt from an ex is that insecurity is SUCH a turn off, and MY GOD you better work on those warped opinions of yours asap, bc trust me... Most women would be running cos of that, not the penis 'issue.'

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Holy shiz, this fixation with this size issue is getting out of hand don't you think OP? I mean for God sakes, you're AVERAGE in size, you're not inadequate so stop thinking so freakin negatively about yourself. What I learnt from an ex is that insecurity is SUCH a turn off, and MY GOD you better work on those warped opinions of yours asap, bc trust me... Most women would be running cos of that, not the penis 'issue.'


agreed! but even worse, it is not even the OP.....Cv hijacked the thread.....but i agree that this insecurity is the worst turn off, not the actual penis size...but it won't get through to him anyway....

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I would call having a small penis a genuine deformity....it's a birth defect being born with less then average....you never know who is going to turn you away out of disgust and who will be open and loving. same as wheelchairs,missing limbs, etc

In today's world you get less respect and less woman when you have a small penis. it's facts were dealing with here. my life would be 100x better if i was just average. I would in no way shape or form still be a virgin...because i wouldnt have to worry about whos going to laugh and whos going to "accept" it....i coulda just gone to partys like normal people and looked for hookups....this is not possible with a small penis. so yeah id say it is a handicap,handicap being anything that makes it so you cant live a normal life...and people will small penises live ANYTHING but normal lives.

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