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Should guys tell you beforehand that they have a LITTLE Penis?


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will a girl tell you if she has a small or large vagina. you could probably jokingly say it, but at the end of the day its how you use it not what you got. i have been with guys from very large to quite small. my current bf is on the small end and i thoroughly enjoy the sex we have. so as long as you are confident in using what you have then who cares. under confidence is a bigger turn off that a small penis i can tell you. and you are basically telling the girl that what you have is not going to satisfy her, well why wouldn't she believe you...lol just enjoy it and be proud of what you have.

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For guys like myself with a small penis, should we divulge this information to women ahead of time so they know what to expect and aren't caught off guard?


Why is this even a question?


I don't think there's ever been a case where a guy has pulled down his pants and the girl has gone, "oh why didn't he tell me he has a small penis beforehand?"


oh and inb4 ConfusedVirgin

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Oh Come On Guys, there are so many posts here from guys worried about the size of their ****s. Really! I think so many of you must think so many of us are so shallow. To answer the question, NO, don't say that to a woman, just be loving to her, and both give each other pleasure.

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No matter how many times and how many posts a man with a below average sized penis sees or hears a female say, it's not about the size but how you use it.....what is said usually goes in one ear and out the other.


My answer to this topic is no, don't bother saying unless the reason for saying is due to yourself avoiding getting hurt if the female has a need for a penis above a certain girth and length.


As mentioned it is one of those things, like a female with a large vagina and the mentioned importance of a tight vagina splayed over the internet.

If it is going to be a problem, may as well, find out when in bed.

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The only thing I ever alerted someone of was when I had a rash all over my trunk because of some meds I had taken and was allergic to. I didn't want them to think I had some funky contagious disease.


Come on, now. That would be like a woman saying "Look...My vagina is rather cavernous...Just a heads up." Wow. Wouldn't you be like, "What's HER problem?" I'd run away if some guy told me that. Not because I would be intimidated by his size, but I would think he had a SERIOUS hang-up and I wouldn't want to have to quell his insecurities every two seconds.

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dark and cheet got it right. I'm really starting to think porn has really truly brainwashed millions upon millions of men that sex is 100% pentration and it'll only be good if your packing a harpoon. it's not your size that will stop you from sex....it will be your attitude,insecurities,and hangups. From what i've read and been told here when two people are getting it on if you are good at foreplay and with your tongue and fingers by the time she's ready for penetration,she's not even gonna notice what size it is.... shes gonna just want it bad! because itll belong to the man she likes/loves who just rocked her world! is this on the money guys?

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dark and cheet got it right. I'm really starting to think porn has really truly brainwashed millions upon millions of men that sex is 100% pentration and it'll only be good if your packing a harpoon. it's not your size that will stop you from sex....it will be your attitude,insecurities,and hangups. From what i've read and been told here when two people are getting it on if you are good at foreplay and with your tongue and fingers by the time she's ready for penetration,she's not even gonna notice what size it is.... shes gonna just want it bad! because itll belong to the man she likes/loves who just rocked her world! is this on the money guys?


I like this post from you mister!!

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No, don't tell anybody unless they ask, and it's kind of weird if they ask too. I hate it when guys brag about how big theirs is - I honestly don't care about the SIZE as long as they don't have a vagina.



If they ask,even if i had a large one, i'd be outta there quicker then she could blink.

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I like this post from you mister!!



I'm trying to think more posetive! id be lieing if i said my insecurity dispeared over night but i'm doing a lot better with it. I think the "preference" threads messed with me the most....as most women who post certainly do not prefer my dimensions...but preferences are NOT requirements....for instance I PREFER a larger butt and big boobs physically....does that mean I don't find a more slender girl attractive? absolutely not....this girl who i actually kind of have a thing for right now is very slender with small breasts....but i couldnt be more smitten....her inner beauty is REMARKABLE and thats what matters to me...and im a MAN(read: much more visual then women and less emotionally driven). I just have to keep reminding myself of that fact...how preferences are NOT requirements.

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I'm trying to think more posetive! id be lieing if i said my insecurity dispeared over night but i'm doing a lot better with it.


That's very good to hear. Always nice to see someone making progress on the forums.


Porn can be fun/tantalizing to watch, but as you say it's important to remember that porn actors and actresses do not represent 99% of us. Most guys you meet every day aren't packing "harpoons", as you say, and most women aren't perfectly proportioned without a single blemish on their bodies. They are idealizations--not body types most of us can except to achieve within reason.

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i dunno....thats a bold claim if you ask me. Stats dont really lie now do they.here are some of my fears(yes maybe some are irrational)


I'll find a great girl who likes me for me and doesn't care i'm a virgin....and then we try to have sex she realizes just how used to her 7 or 8 inch thick one ex shes gotten...i'm afraid i won't be able to please them


I am absolutely scared to death of EVER being asked "is it in yet" I dont think I could ever recover from something like that.


I fear the most,being as inexperienced as I am(havent even kissed) then when I do finally meet a girl i really like once we have sex she will start ignoring me or coming up with excuses not to hang out because it was so bad


I think the part that feels the worst is not knowing. having to flip a coin when i approach women for absolutely comfort or complete and utter humilation.

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Lol. Not all great girls have ex's who are 7 inches and thick.


Lots of women actually prefer a 5 incher over a 7 or 8 incher.


The size can sometimes matter, but its importance to women is minute. There are way too many other things women look for in a man i.e. intelligience, confidence, and money.

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ehhhh...ive never seen or heart a girl say she'd rather have a with 4 girth then a normal average sized length and girth...MAYBE 5-10% of woman do and that is going to come down to straight biology (IE their vaginas are just super super small).i've heard tens of different woman say on another forum that babies come out of their,so with proper foreplay and all that jazz "not fitting" is really just a myth,and that your not turned on enough if it doesnt. I definetly think my girth is way way way more pathetic then the length. the length i think i could deal with. but having such a low girth is kind of heartbreaking,esp when basically every woman on the planet says it matters more then length because it just feels better if its fatter guess i will just have to learn to live with being accepted rather then desired, which definetly hurts(who doesn't want to be wanted just the way they are?), but maybe thats what i have to do to protect myself. even you say sometimes size matters

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@ConfusedVirgin I have sort of skimmed over your other posts, I think you have posted about your small penis size enough. There are only so many times we can say that it has to do with your attitude towards any perceived physical abnormality including penis size, not the actual abnormality itself. Confidence, and attitude rate far higher in attraction, that is basically what every woman would say. The only exception is of course if you get off on being humiliated about your penis size, some men do, in that case you have to find yourself someone who gets off on humiliating you and then you can live happily ever after.

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I Realize that lukeb but before i was crazy and manic....i have a small penis and im not going to kill myself.....so theres alot of stuff i need to learn.....i feel like now i have legitimate questions just looking for answers as opposed to just acting crazy and shooting down any advice given.

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i dunno....thats a bold claim if you ask me. Stats dont really lie now do they.here are some of my fears(yes maybe some are irrational)


I'll find a great girl who likes me for me and doesn't care i'm a virgin....and then we try to have sex she realizes just how used to her 7 or 8 inch thick one ex shes gotten...i'm afraid i won't be able to please them


I think one issue here is that you view men as walking dildos. Men are not walking dildos any more than women are walking fleshlights. I mean, would you break up with a woman only because she was "loose"? Unlikely. So I'd give women the same benefit of the doubt.

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I think one issue here is that you view men as walking dildos. Men are not walking dildos any more than women are walking fleshlights. I mean, would you break up with a woman only because she was "loose"? Unlikely. So I'd give women the same benefit of the doubt.



I wouldnt and i dont view men as walking dildos. i know pentration isn't everything. but god damn does it hurt knowing when i meet a women some random clown off the streets with a 7 inch 5-6 girth would be able to give her more physical pleasure then i could ever give her,emotions aisde.

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