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Should guys tell you beforehand that they have a LITTLE Penis?


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It's your perceptions we're dealing with, not facts. I'm starting to wonder if you use the penis issue as a crutch to avoid physical/emotional intimacy with women.


By your logic, we ALL have birth defects. Because not one person on this planet has everything perfectly average on their body and face. Apparently this hasn't stopped anyone here as this forum is chuck FULL of people discussing their prior/current relationships and sexual escapades.


One of my ex-boyfriends is blind, on dialysis 3 times a week, and has erectile dysfunction all due to diabetes. He really only has one 'good' day a week where he has some energy. The day he has dialysis, he's gone most of it. The next day, he's so wiped out he winds up taking lots of naps. Yet he doesn't feel robbed. Aside from the occasional funk he goes into, he's a pretty positive person, and he faces a bigger challenge than you do. It's your state of mind that needs to change. Not your penis and not other people.

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I'm sorry you just can't sit there and tell me my life wouldn't be noticeably better if i was just average....your ex is probably happy because he's on all kinds of narcotic medication..who wouldnt be happy doped up on pain meds all the time? i know i would be happy as a pig in ****.

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I know I am and that's why i'll probably kill myself sooner rather then later.this world has not been kind to me,even on boards like this where people are suppose to be helpful and friendly. hell,on another forum I was told by someone their 6 year old son had me beat in size,and that if i want a suitable women to troll a kindergarden class. I'm damaged goods and i'll never be able to please a woman.


I'm difficult because everytime someone gives advice theres always a but "you may be small BUT you can "make up" for it in other ways"

"your small BUT if a girl loves you she will "accept" this deformity" when you have A cups and barely any hips or curves that distinguish you as a woman then maybe you can understand where im coming from.

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People have been quite helpful to you. You post the same thing over and over again - I'm not sure if it's with the hopes that maybe something will magically resonate with you. You're not going to like everything you hear, but that's not to say people aren't trying and giving you what they know.


PM me, let me tell you about my life. And then maybe you'll understand where I'M coming from.

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I'm sorry you just can't sit there and tell me my life wouldn't be noticeably better if i was just average....your ex is probably happy because he's on all kinds of narcotic medication..who wouldnt be happy doped up on pain meds all the time? i know i would be happy as a pig in ****.


i really don't understand how you would get the nerve to say something like that about someone on dialysis......really, it is ALL your attitude.....i wouldn't care one bit about your size down there, but your attitude is really a major turn off and that is probably the only reason you are single now....you don't listen at any of the advice given here, you have tunnel vision and only see your own problem...and to call it a handicap is offensive...grow up please....here are millions of people who are way worse off than you

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I know I am and that's why i'll probably kill myself sooner rather then later.this world has not been kind to me,even on boards like this where people are suppose to be helpful and friendly. hell,on another forum I was told by someone their 6 year old son had me beat in size,and that if i want a suitable women to troll a kindergarden class. I'm damaged goods and i'll never be able to please a woman.


I'm difficult because everytime someone gives advice theres always a but "you may be small BUT you can "make up" for it in other ways"

"your small BUT if a girl loves you she will "accept" this deformity" when you have A cups and barely any hips or curves that distinguish you as a woman then maybe you can understand where im coming from.


Get over it jeez louise, you're either a troll or you have an ocd/fetish with humiliation of small penis syndrome, or fear of intimacy. referring your size to a 6 year old is just ridiculous. Most girls can't org from penetration alone, whilst it feels nice they either fake orgasm, (for fear that you will leave them if she told you she had never og'd/Fear of intimacy ), or they are one of the few blessed to knowing their bodies and what gets them off. Theres many factors invloved ie technique, touch,kiss,hugs, teasing with long foreplay until she's wriggling with wetness so much she physically has to grab your member and insert before she turns mental, magic spots =clit,neck,breasts, inner thighs, chemistry/ trust via love towards their partner, it's not just the girth or length of the dong !!! And your size is fine it's all in you mind and your attitude that makes you a virgin.

It doesnt mean every time you make love shes's going/has to orgasm every time. Its the bond and feeling of closeness, emotionally that makes a lover, although yeah getting her off is something you both work together to achieving and if you both work it out eventually maybe she'll cum, but it's not a big deal if she doesn't as long as she's happy and you're happy too.

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The truth is, size does matter to most women but remember that a huge one can be just as problematic as a tiny one.


Hence why small guys should wait until it's time for sex to show it.



The difference is, the ones who are confident will still get the girls and get the pu**y. The ones who only complain about what they've been given will not only get no girls, but they won't be magically gifted a larger penis either.


To be fair, it's not easy to be confident when you've had no experience, and your small.

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