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energy...giving and receiving. it's interesting.


i don't know much about reiki. do you, silver?


ha...had to smile about your guy and his 'leftovers'. lol. sitting here trying to imagine the sensations. i'm a sucker for the armpits myself. never fails to lull me into a gooey mess.


it's probably worth focussing on what we do have in the realm of touch...as opposed to what we don't. for some reason it's easy to fall into this trap with some things...but disregard it altogether with other things.

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Armpits? Really?


I am thinking....inside of my wrists....hmmmm.


yah...i'm a weirdo in more ways than one.


I came accross this video which I think is somewhat related, 'Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability' if anyone wants to have a look it's 20 min long.


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love that one, quirky. this could easily turn into a ted talk forum.

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Hi Everyone! Very interesting subject and so much I'd like to respond to. 90, I wouldn't say I know a lot about Reiki, but I have visited one Reiki group and had Reiki performed on me. I also visited a Reiki practioner and had a paid session - that was my first introduction to it. At first, I came away a bit disappointed. There is actually no massage involved - they simply lay their hands on or above your body. What I did feel though was heat coming from the hands of the practitioner. I felt the heat particularly over part of my abdomen and a few hours later, a late period came. I did feel okay afterwards. Then I went to one group which I had been invited to as I met someone who belonged to that Reiki society. It was in a large darkened room where several people were having Reiki. I became very relaxed and closed my eyes. When I opened them, there was a man, I had never seen with his hands on one of my breasts. I felt uncomfortable and never went back there. In recent times, I went to a small group, who apart from myself, are all trained in Reiki, most at master level. They were all women, many of them in their senior years. I felt very comfortable with them. I told them that I wasn't trained in Reiki but did have some self-teaching in reflexology. I hadn't realised until I got their that the group was originally for Reiki Trained Masters. They kindly said I could stay and said if I wanted, whilst they were all placing their hands over each person - everyone had a turn, that I could give reflexolgy to the feet of whoever wanted whilst they had their session. They also told me to close my eyes and open my mind. All of them loved the reflexology and have invited me back. It's only been time constraints that have prevented me so far from going back and having some formal training. Anyway, after each person had the hands placed on or over them, each person told the group of whether they had any type of visualisations when they had their hands placed. Also each person shared the experience of anything they had thought or visualised during the "healing". I Reiki, they talk about we all get our energy drained, and Reiki is about healing that energy, renewing it. Also, the energy doesn't really come from ourselves although it comes through us. Religious people would say it comes from God. Others might say a type of universal energy of "good."


My most preferred method of massage/touch which I like to give to others is reflexology. I just have the one book which is a fairly comprehensive handbook/encyclopedia of reflexology. The most preferred place I like to give is to a person's hands and fingers. I'm not really experienced anywhere else although I used to care (as a worker) for a man who had a C2 fracture and was quadriplegic from that. He had very little sensation to anywhere in his body apart from his head. I used to give him head massages, but in particular, he liked having his ears touched in a particular way outlined in my reflexology book which actually can make a person feel quite warm.


My preferred reflexology practice of massage to the hands entails using the thumb and forefinger, and pressing and massaging each segment of the the fingers and thumb and the pads below the fingers. I've helped people be cured of headache using that method. My sister has been a boater for many years and used to suffer from a lot of sea-sickness but uses reflexolgy bands on her wrists and hasn't had it when she uses them. I used the bands in pregnancy and also didn't get the nausea when I used them.


I haven't gone to the links yet, but I find a certain eroticism about touching a man's underarms. For me, it's because it is one of the softest parts of a man - and yes, I suppose one of the most vulnerable. My current partner, unusually - has NO underarm hair although he has normal hair over every other part of his body including a reasonable amount of chest hair.


Hey 90, I'm sending you a cyber-massage - reflexology of the hands and fingers. There are so many types of massage, but for a lot of reasons, I like reflexology of the hands the most. It is the least possibly invasive. Nobody need take off any item of clothing - except perhaps a glove. You can give it anywhere - including on a train as I have to someone who had a migraine - and said the reflexology took it away. Mostly though, I think it is one of the most effective parts of the body for giving stress relief - and even if that person mostly wants a massage because they are feeling the need for physical affection, it's a way I can give that which I feel doesn't cross my boundaries and which so far, I've always felt okay about doing.


I'll go take a look at the links. Thanks.

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PS And a cyber massage for you too JN and anyone else who would like one.


90, something very funny happened a few weeks ago when I was stroking my man's neck and he was almost asleep. The gibberish had been flowing out of his mouth. It's as though sometimes he joins 2 unrelated topics together in the same sentence sometimes. I thought I might as him a question while he was gibbering away. I managed to get something about a horse and a big race on Sunday. He hates horseracing and would never go. Maybe it was something from the news he had seen. Then I asked (and I hardly ever would ask this) "Do you love me" He suddenly bolted upright wide awake, and said: "Of course I do . . . and I've been carefully pre-programmed how to best answer those types of questions."

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PS And a cyber massage for you too JN and anyone else who would like one.


90, something very funny happened a few weeks ago when I was stroking my man's neck and he was almost asleep. The gibberish had been flowing out of his mouth.


Ahhhhhhhh.....Thank you Silver! You know, if I were to lay down for an hour and imagine a massage it would surely be healing!


I know a horse like your man...If you scratch a spot on his neck, right above his chest, he hangs his head, closes his eyes, wiggles his lips, and gibberish flows from his mouth.

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LMAO JN. My dog gets very, very relaxed if I put the palm of my hand on his chest and keep it there for a while. More so when he was younger and would fall asleep fromit. My oldest mare will drop her head, lips quiver and then she starts to go to sleep whenever she hears Eva Cassidy sing Danny Boy.

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