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is there something wrong with me??!

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hey everyone. okay this is just a topic that i would love to hear some opinions and advice as well as just personal stories about. im 16, ive liked 2 guys in my life like ENOUGH TO WANT A RELATIONSHIP with them. the first one my childhood love. i knew him for a long time, and stuff happened he became a jerk, but in the end we were friends and then we moved and that was it. i was treated very badly though during the middle school years by him (he basically used me as a ladder to get "popular"). i know this may sound so pathetic of me, but i am a very attractive, smart, funny, understanding girl who gives so much. honestly im not going to go into detail about it, but im being honest, i dont ask guys to carry my stuff and do this and that, i truly dont expect it, i dont put any stupid pressure on a guy for stuff like that. the second guy i liked was my first bf of 9 months which we recently broke up about a month ago...although it seems like it might get back but thats beside the point. it was gr8, but he was a year younger and i will admit he wasnt exactly the MOST ROMANTIC guy. he was very sweet and sometimes surprised me in ways i wouldve never imagined, but he is young and like me inexperienced and then after going on vacation his feeligns just suddenly changed. it just hurt so much. i feel as if i have so much to offer, so much going for me, i look around at girls who im sorry but are such b*****s to their guys and they treat them like princesses. im not saying i want that, its just i feel as if i deserve so much more and i just keep getting hurt. keep feeling rejected. im starting to feel as if im not good enough, as if theres something wrong with me. it just doesnt seem fair...i dont know what i expect from you all just any comments or advice or anything is welcome...thanx...

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guy troubles are the worst! and like you i don't expect anything except to be treated in a humane manner. my five month, 9days away from 6, boyfriend broke up with me, as far as i knew every thing was going as well as could be expected, we had a few troubles, and 2weeks previous to the breakup he stopped saying "i love you" so that was my dead give away, but it still hurt. he also was my first love. he was a trouble maker but he had charm to go with it. he plays mr. romantic on the fact that he has all sisters (chick flick central). i bet it's hard for you to get too close to any other guys huh? i flirt with other guys now but it's the fact that i still have love for him that holds me back. A guy will come along that'll make you feel so special you'll wonder why you got so hurt over the last one.

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Your young and your gonna bump into alot of guys that are total losers or complete opposites. Being that your only 16 you have your life ahead of you. If guys cant see you for you and not for the material things, then maybe they are not worth your time. Take it one day @ a time, dont rush into anything, as you get older you will see that they are some good guys out there probably looking for a good girl. You both will meet fall inlove and live happily ever after..But until then best of luck to you and remember god made everyone beautiful unfournately he made some people too blind to see....

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Guys and Girls,


This is called growing up!.. Welcome to the adult world. In one's life you have to go through a few relationships, to learn how to cope with heartache, pain, rejection, and being in love. You also learn how to compromise and negotiate!. Remember you can't meet your life partner when you are 14,15,16 and stay with that person forever! You will meet and date so many wonderfull and awful people in your life, and everytime you come out of the relationship, you will be a stronger, wiser person, and be so much better, with the next one!.


The other thing is every one of us come from a different background, wether it be our home situation, parents divorced, or still togehter siblings, etc. This makes us all relate to one another in a different way, and we need to learn how to deal with it in our own relationships.


Don't feel down in the dumps when your relationships don't last! Of course you feel like these guys or girls are your true love!, but they won't be your last! We were created on God's earth to love, but also to lose love. Remember, life does not start and end with love and a relationship, the purpouse of life is the Journey you undertake, everyday you live, until one day you lay your head down to die. That is your journey's end.


Good luck with all the heartbreak and teardrops, and also all the love you will still have, may it all be worth it in the end.

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I feel the exact same way you do, not trying to sound kocky or anything, but I do feel as if I can offer alot but always end up gettin hurt. I always feel as if Im geing "too good" to the person I'm with, as I feel they're going to hurt me at any moment. Im tired of being hurt so damn much!'



sonjam: Wow, man....just wow. That was an awsome post. But I do dissagree on some parts. One reason is because, I know a couple who have been together since 7th grade and are now happily married.

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OoOHuggyOoO, I do agree it sometimes happens, but please don't build every relationship you undertake up like that, it is so few and far between these days that sweethearts last.


Ussually when it is a relationship like that, it happened with our grandparents, and those days it was unheard of to divorce, so they basically (but not always) stick together because they sort of had to.

The souls who did stay together out of love, met their true soul mates, that is something the rest of us try to do for the rest of our lives!


Enjoy your journey, make it one to remember



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Well thats how i think although i should be quiet and not respond to this topic.But whats the big problem if your attractive and stuff and have so much to offer just keep on tyring to go out with guys u like and weed through the bad ones till u get to one u like.Some of us like me who has so much to offer never gets one chance at a woman for awhile and i dont feel like i will anytime soon loL! am told i am such a nice guy and any girl is lucky to have me although i have never had one so if im nice it might not be used o well.Just keep giving it a try cause some of us r too unattractive to get a relationship

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avoiding heart break is too hard, and avoiding love is even harder. all the men/women you have a relationship with you will love, like it or not-you will, weither it's a friendship love or you fall in love. the heart break is inevitable. you just need to remember good times and keep a smile on your face, eventually your heart will follow and smile too

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