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offered sex and im 14, what to do?

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Not to be harsh sounding, but have you even thought about the consequences of what youve done? Not only have you been drinking while under age, you have also been the victim of statutory rape, in addition to the possibility of having an STD or being pregnant. Now my advice is get away from this guy now, talk to a doctor or a counselor to get tested, and start thinking before you do things.

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*sigh* some people.... there are so many things wrong with what you said I can barley begin. First: Do you even think there is something wrong with drinking and having oral sex at 15? Second: A slump would be the understatement of the century. You have two perfectly good hands and a computer do you really need a guy? And what do you need to drink for, you dont even have to work yet! when that happens then its miller time.

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hey did you said that you guys only have oral sex right? well if you only have oral sex then that mean that you are not really loosing your virginity. oh and by the way if he was wearing a condom that mean that he knows you guys are going to have sex so that is y he bring along his condoms but if he did not know that you guys are going to have sex then that mean that he did not wear a condoms since he doesn't have one in the first place.

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Ok I'm sorry but you say you have only known this guy for one week... but you love him? That's what happens when girls have sex for the first time, you get VERY attached... and it doesn't qualify the situation to say "people do crazy things when they're drunk right?" You are 14, and that "crazy thing" could get you pregnant, so I wouldn't take it so lightly. I'm not trying to put you down or anything, but I would think about it more next time!

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1) You can't love someone whom you've known for a week.


2) You're 14-years-old, and clearly not mature or educated enough to be engaging in risky behaviors such as drinking and having sex (whether it's intercourse, oral, etc.)


3) You're in serious need of some adult guidance.

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Well, I'm not going to rip you a new anal-sphincter because it sounds like everyone else already has. I think that you should seriously consider the reasons why you had gave this guy oral sex whom you've only known for 1-week. It sounds like you may have some self-esteem problems. Are there any extracurricular activities at school that you can become involved in (chess club, cheerleading, basketball, volleyball, speech, drama)? Getting involved in other things can be great for building self-esteem and people with high self-esteem have less of a chance of getting involved with drugs and getting pregnant. It sounds like you aren't in a slump, but could be if you keep making poor choices. Seeing a counselor may be another option for you. They can often help people sort things out, thoughts, feelings, etc. and it's always nice to have someone to talk with, especially knowing that it's confidential. A counselor can also help you set some long-term goals for your life like college and a career, which are things that you need to be thinking about at your age, not getting a piece of action from a guy at 14 yrs old. I don't even think I knew how to give oral at 14 yrs old and I think I found the thought repulsive at that age. Don't rush things in your life. There's plenty of time for drinking and having sex (and I don't recommend doing the two simultaneously). Try to focus on some other things and find an adult whom is responsible and whom you trust to talk to. You really need guidance right now. I hope that helped you!

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Sweetheart, I just want to say that you are very young, why do you want to complicate your life this way? You've known him for a very short time. If you become pregnant what will you do?


Do you know if he is going to stick around for you? You're very young, I hope you can see what you are getting yourself into.


A smart girl looks out for herself.

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You go girl!


Just remember to always use condoms, only do it when you feel like it, never force him to do it, never get forced to do it, never to get yourself confirmed etc


And don't drink TOO MUCH.


Otherwise have fun experimenting with your new bf! But don't be pissed if/when he dumps you cause he wont stay with you forever just because he got your virginity (and you prob got his). But your sig tells me you're able to figure this out on your own.

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You go girl!


Just remember to always use condoms, only do it when you feel like it, never force him to do it, never get forced to do it, never to get yourself confirmed etc


And don't drink TOO MUCH.


Otherwise have fun experimenting with your new bf! But don't be pissed if/when he dumps you cause he wont stay with you forever just because he got your virginity (and you prob got his). But your sig tells me you're able to figure this out on your own.


Why are u encouraging underage drinking and sex ? Would u be happy when your daughter (if u have 1 in the future) was having sex and getting blindly drunk at 14? I know i wouldnt b. Not only that but it appears painfully obvious that the girl involved isn't resposible enough for these actions either.


To the poster, havent u got better things to do with your time? Like hanging around with your friends having fun? Why resort to all this illegal stuff which could have devasting consequences on your future life? At 14 u can't possibly be in real love, especially with some1 u have only known for like a week. Oral sex isnt losing your virginity. and hopefully u still have that intact while im typing this. U really should wait for the right moment i.e. when your older, have been seeing a guy for longer, and not when your pissed.

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