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Do any girls like tall and lanky guys?

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Ok im just wondering if some of u women like tall and lanky guys but i dont see why u would but i was just wondering.Im 6 ft 130 pounds which most people consider very skinny but its all in my heritage i can eat,eat,eat and not gain a single pound.Most women always go for the damn stereotype those big muscular men or they at least have to be big for the woman to actually be attracted to him.Most women dont like us scrawny guys although we have the metabolism of a hamster so we dont gain weight.I was just wondering if any women on here r attracted to tall and lanky guys or do actually prefer tall lanky guys?

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Ah, you must be Scandanavian or northern European? When I was in Scandanavia, most of the men there were tall and slim, whereas the women were shorter and slimmer. Well, shorter than me, but then I'm 5'8 Felt like a giant next to some of these women!! lol


Every guy I've dated has been tall and slim. I like some muscle definition, but not huge bulky muscles that look like he would crush me in his sleep! Being tall, I actually won't date men who are shorter than I am, I just can't get over it.


A lot of women I know, my girlfriends included, like tall slim men with just the right amount of muslce definition. Orlando Bloom and Leonardo DiCaprio are good examples of tall slim men who are absolutely irresistible to most women!

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Well I'd have to say I don't like the guys that are all muscly either! lol I actually do prefer the tall lanky ones. I didn't notice until my friend pointed it out to me but every guy I've been attracted to is very tall and slim. I guess its because I'm 5'10, and I definitely wouldn't go out with a guy that is considerably shorter.... tall and skinny is good in my books! ~Skittles~

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Well in my opinion(it is only my opinion) most people don't have a 'type'. I usually go for a guys personality despite his looks(providing he doesn't have a face like a backside!).I have been out with guys who were tall(6ft 3") and short (5ft 6") fat guys(not obese) and skinny guys and loved them all for them and their unique personalities. However there are many shallow people out there who judge on looks alone and really don't know what they are missing!. A confident skinny tall guy is far more attractive to me than a bulging muscled he-man who is self obsessed with no personality!

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I don't have a type. If I lined up the guys I've been with there is definitely been a variety. I've been with one guy who was 'over-weight' then with one who was really thing, his name was 'Slim' Muscles aren't my things, I mean a few are okay but not alot, I think that's icky. I would rather have a confident skinny guy then a guy who's totally into himself like the last reply said. Believe me, girls will be intrested in you.



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Are you kidding? I ADORE tall, skinny guys! My bf is 6'2" and 145lbs. i think he's the sexiest thing in the world. I've always been attracted to lanky guys. I would even go so far as to say that muscley or defined guys are a turn off to me. Differnt strokes for different folks as they say.

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U have brought this up b4 shinobie and i think your wrong. Many women cant be bothered with muscles or they find them off putting or even "scary". Although there are many that like a guy whos toned (not huge). So its pretty 50/50 i would imagine. I have many thin friends who attract girls. Its more to do with there face looks and their personality.


How do u think smaller people like myself feel (altho im 5foot 10 and im happy enough with that but would rather b 6foot)? Its common that a girl likes taller guys, at least taller than them and preferably 6 foot+. That my friend is the definite truth. How many girls do you see going out with smaller guys? 1 in 5??? Plus also men who are taller and lankier tend to have longer penises (lucky u ), which many girls prefer also. So i don't see why u think u have a disadvantage.


If u really believe that these muscly men get the women then bulk up. I don't care what u say, if u eat enough u will bulk up. The fact is u are not eating enough. Im talking at least 3000+ calories a day and working out. Its simple maths, if u burn 2500 a day and eat 3000, u have an excess of 500 calories. Something has got to happen to those 500 cals, they dont disappear.


I've seen many musclar guys on nights out, and their not surrounded with women. Im toned up and think i look great, but girls dont flock to me, oooo no, if i want a girl its me having to go upto them. Usually i'll only try this if a girl looks at me a few times though and shows some interest.


Im on a fine line for most girls. I get told i have a nice body by most, but a girl i chat to on msn, says i look great but any bigger and i will become ugly. My mum thinks im too big already. I don't think im that big yet and still want to gain muscle. My ideal is looking like a "mens health" magazine model.


Perhaps some girls prefer men with muscles because it makes them feel more protected. Perhaps they like the fact that the guy takes care of his body and isnt going to become a couch potato. Perhaps by showing u have a good body makes the girl think that u have more self motivation and self confidence?


Seriously, if u really feel like this is the case despite what i said shinobie, then get yourself eating more (but good foods high in protein) and get yourself the gym. Get yourself on "creatine" as this will help u start off and make u gain water weight which will make u look physically bigger and perform better, and get the ball rolling.

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I totally agree with Kittengirl!!


Most women don't really have a type - they are initially attracted to someone physically, but I read somewhere that first impressions take up the first 5-10 seconds of meeting someone and then its all about their personality.. too true!!


One of my exes was 6ft tall and pretty skinny - could eat all he wanted and not put an ounce of fat on him.. another ex was about 5ft8 and rather squidgy (not fat just not toned) and the guy i'm currently seeing is 6ft & athletic - so there, all completely different!! And so were their personalities!

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Not for me, ever since I lost some weight and toned up more girls come up to me. I mean, I don't go to bars or anything, but like at school or at work, I'm not saying that I have girls around me 24/7 but occasionally I get some attention, which is fine with me. I guess it all depends on your personality, but remember that apperance does count, it will only count the first couple of minutes when talking to the persom, and first impressions mean a lot to some woman....you have to do things your in comtrol of, I know if your overweight you can control that and loose some pounds.


Like jonnyG said, if your skinny and wan't to bulk up doesn't take to scientist to figure that if your taking more calories than your burn then you will bulk up...to bulk up the key is eat two big meals a day, for loosing weight is to eat 5 small meals a day.


again like with JonnyG said he would love to be six feet tall, but we are never satisfied, I'm six feet, and I want to be 6'1'', we should just be happy with what we got.

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Well theghost, not many girls like overweight guys, so toning up will get more girls to stare . im just making a point that while there are girls that like toned up guys, theirs some that are not into sporty tough guys and are happy with thinner guys. Good to hear that you got yourself into shape.


But ill disagree with your comment about meals . If u eat big meals your more likely to put fat on so your correct there. but Shinobie surely wants more muscle if he wants to bulk up not fat (although by eating more to gain muscle u inevititly gain some fat as well). So its best to have about 6 low fat meals a day 500 cals+ with a good source of protein in each (want to get your protein intake to at least 100grams a day). This ensures a good supply of energy and protein throughout the day.


Also get plenty of sleep.


For me currently im bulking so ( i only manage 5 meals a day):


Breakfast (9.30)- 700cals 60g protein (shake)

lunch (12.30)- 600cals 35g protein

snack (4.30)- 800cals 40g protein

dinner (7.30)- 800cals 30g protein

snack (9.30)- 400cals 60g protein (shake)


(shake)= protein shake


I have a protein shake in the morning with breakfast as a good kick start and a protein shake with cereal at night.


I roughly get 3300cals and 225g of protein a day.


Drink plenty of water.

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shinobie - I am much taller than you. I am 6'6" and weight 200lbs and "skinny". I have to say that girls art attracted to tall guys becuse I get a fair amount of "hello" looks when I go out in public and even get eyed at at parties I goto. If you get confrontable with your body and your body image then you will see how much attention you can get from girls.

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It all depends on the girl. I know a lot of girls who find the "lanky" guys attractive. But just as many like the larger guys, the buff jock guys, and even just the average guys. Even that doesn't matter much because most girls are going to base their opinions of you on more than just your looks.


I sure wish I could take my own advice... I've always been worried that guys would disgusted by me because I'm so thin. And here's where I disagree with JonnyG. It is almost impossible for me to gain weight. Eating more doesn't do any good. Right now, I'm 5'6" and about 100 pounds. And this is "heavy" for me. My entire family suffers from metabolism problems. It's hereditary. And lucky me, I even got stuck with thyroid problems as well, so I'm lucky to weigh what I do. Seriously, at this time last year, I was at 81 pounds. And eating more than 3,000 calories every day. Lots and lots and lots or carbs and proteins.


Not like it did much good. The only reason that I weigh (close to) 100 now is the fact that my thyroid issue is now under control. I'm still trying to gain a little more, but I can't break the 100 lb. mark. Seems like this is as far as I'm going to get. Especially since my mom is exactly like me.




But anyway, I got completely off subject there... Back to the original subject: Yes, definitely. There are so many girls out there who would be attracted to you. We like all shapes and sizes. Especially when they're combined with a good personality.


Sorry for stealing your thread to rant about my weight problem. Oops. My apologies.

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jonnyG I'm sorry I though he just wanted to get bigger, he never mension getting buf etc..


Yeah....jonnyG likes himself too much


Anyways, ama going to PM you so you can help me get bit bigger...ok?


Yeah, well som1 has to like me (j/king). Dont ask me, u know what your doing


Im sorry shygirl, for some people with certain medical issues they could very well have issues trying to gain weight but the vast majority of people will gain weight be eating lots. Its simple calculations.

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Actually there are women out there that like people like you, it's just probably don't fall on the right ones....Condering me, i would like any kind of guy as long as he sweet nice and respects me.....Of course all women dream about marying some day a cute stereotype guy, but not all women get those kind of guys, so we just have to cope with the idea of a differernt kind of guy and then they probably fall on a guy like you( no offence), but tho usally guys like you are very sweet....well that's all i know....

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  • 2 weeks later...

To be perfectly honest, I think of the contrary Shinobie, alot of girls go for TALL guys. Now short guys like me, 5'4'', are looked upon as just either weird, unattractive, or to contradict that, even cute, but NOT boyfriend material. AT ALL! In fact this one girl I known for years told me i was THE perfect guy, nice, sweet, handsome, and funny....stuff that girls SUPPOSEDLY like. But guess what she told me after that? I could not go out with you you are just TOO SHORT! Now is that a shotgun to the stomach or what? I just walked off as if whatever and for the rest of the day, I was the most nastiest person ever (I had an anger problem in high school.). But oh well, I am not even looking anymore.....the tall guys can have most these girls, at least it will help weed out the shallow ones.


But don't get me wrong, everyone has a preference! It is just the fact that this is a girl looking for THE ONE and is letting one small factor affect that. I went out with a girl that was slightly big, another that was a guy magnet, another who was really short and skinny, and another that had a developing disability and I STILL did not discriminate against these things......my bad I went off subject.

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I will man, I will. It is all good. I know there are girls out there who like short guys but those girls rarely exist. I will be fine however, i am actually trying to put girls in the backseat but I cannot help the fact that it be great to have some affection in my life, even I don't want to be alone forever.

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While its always nice to have a perve on guys with really nice, well-defined muscles, I tend to notice a guys face more than their body ( ) so if they're toned or not it doesn't really matter to me.


Be happy that you're tall, as most girls dont really like guys who are shorter than them (I think its a security thing or something?) and tallness is something you can't change.. as for the skinny part, I think most girls are quite flexible with that, as long as you're not skinnier than they are (=P) and there *is* something you can do about that.. I bet that if you ate non-stop for a week you'd have to put on *some*. ;D

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My point exactly, girls seem to think that height is such a huge thing, that if he is taller, he is stronger and healither. News flash, it isn't true. In fact, I seen many a tall guy fall to a supposedly shorter and weaker guy. In fact, I am one of those small guys who have taken down guys twice my size. And if they are looking for a guy for security then that is a sense of insecurity right there. To me that just seems biased, and the idea that comes to mind is with this guy, she feels powerful and can do whatever she wants. Now if she is just interested in tall guys just because it is a preference, then it is all good I guess. But like I said, I just stopped looking because it ain't no point, guys like me are rarely wanted and if we are, it is to be used for some purpose other than love.....in MOST cases anyways.

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