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How long did you and your S.O. wait to have sex?


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I was wondering how long it took a lot of people to have sex with their significant others.


I just started a new relationship a couple of weeks ago. I've been with other guys before and have chosen to wait MONTHS before in the past. But the chemistry between he and I is so intense I can hardly stand it sometimes! But I want to do things right. I dont want to have sex with him too soon or late. We spend a lot of time together and I know he cares about me very much. He goes out of his way frequently to take care of me when I need him.


So tell me your stories. And how it worked out for you. How soon did you and your S.O. have sex?



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I don't think there's really a set time frame on when it's right to sleep with someone. You do so when you feel you're ready is probably the best answer.


I've dated guys whom I slept with early on, and we still managed to have long term relationships.


My SO other and I slept together about a month and a half after being together. IMO, you have to find someone who is willing to see past the sexual aspects of the relationship and realize that there is a lot more to a person than just sex.

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I always wanted to wait until we were exclusive, in love, with strong potential for marriage. So, usually between 2-5 months. It was also important to me that we both be tested where the tests were accurate and an HIV test isn't accurate until months after your last partner. (and yes even with using protection, I wasn't going to take chances). The first time we dated, many years ago, we waited 5 months. The second time we waited a little over 2 months. Worked out great for us -it was what we both wanted and were comfortable doing.

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Ummmmmm.....48 hours? Yeah, it was a recipe for disaster. We were together for many years until he died. He said I didn't play games and he loved that! We always treated each other as equals and with respect. He said any man who looked down on a woman for liking sex was both a hypocrite and a chauvinist. He was my kind of guy.

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I've waited as long as 8-10 months (official vs. non-official) because the guy wasn't ready. LOL. But I've also gone with a friend before we had ever had a date (bad, bad idea and led to lots of confusion - mainly b/c of the friend situation though, and not about the sex at all..). I'd say go with what feels right for you. Nobody can tell you what's right or wrong, and you have to judge when you're BOTH ready for it. I think sex is an important part of a relationship, so I personally wouldn't wait more than probably 2-3 months with anyone new.

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We had sex the first day we met. It's a great ice breaker. but we had been in a relationship for four months and I knew I loved him. Neither one of us has sex without there being love.


Until this time? =P


No matter what you cannot love someone the first day you meet them. It's romantic to think along those lines but unrealistic!

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Until this time? =P


No matter what you cannot love someone the first day you meet them. It's romantic to think along those lines but unrealistic!


And that's a matter of personal opinion. Physically we might have met but I fell in love with him months before we met. So no, not this time. If we hadn't of clicked in person like we did on here we never would have slept together.

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I waited around 3.5 moths with my current bf, (which happens to be last week lol) he was leaving for a 2 week vacation and I felt like it was the right time. He is alot older than me and someone very well known in our community so I was a bit nervous, but it has worked out fine, although right now he is away and I miss him!!

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Wow, im loving the variety of answers here! The clear message im getting from this is that its the "right time" just whenever the two people are ready. That's fair enough. I consider myself to be a pretty sexual woman so im just going to do what comes naturally, when it feels like the right time... As long as hes ok with it too. If he wants to wait, i'll wait.


Thanks everyone for your answers!

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..The same day that we met. We met online, talked for months with microphones and webcams, when he came to England to see me in person things were just so natural between us so it felt normal. We're still together almost three years later and we live together so it all worked out fine. I guess I also don't see sex as a huge deal, I mean I don't exactly go around sleeping with every guy I meet but I don't believe I have to be in love or committed to that person to have sex with them. It all depends on how I feel.

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