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Dating someone new...not sure where I'm at...any thoughts?


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Hey Ariel,


I love the term stepford date...haven't heard that before, and it may seem appropriate. I don't mind moving on, but I think I have two issues. One, it's ego, I usually get a pretty good feel and know if it is a go or not. And the second is almost the same, because I get mixed signals and I am enjoying spending time with her and could see dating her more, I don't want to throw that away too early if she is just really slow & cautious.


Either way, I have left it up to her. I feel comfortable enough that she knows I'm interested, but unless she initiates some contact (phone call, text, etc.), I am not going to chase. I have a couple of other potential dates, so I am continue to pursue those. I don't really like dating multiple women at the same time as I find it disrepectful a bit (I know others do it and it's okay...I'm a bit of a traditional, respectful guy!).


I am kinda with you on dating someone with "stepford" tendencies. I'm good now I think...we'll see where any of these things goes. Again, thanks everyone!

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A-little-blue...you're not helping!!! haha....that is exactly the thought I have/had that is putting me in this dilemma.


I've left it in her court...I can only "chase" for so long...after 3 good dates (at least from my perspective) I could at least expect some contact initiated by her...either text, phone call, etc. So maybe she contact me, maybe she won't, but that should tell me if she is at least interested a bit more than I think she is now. Traditional/slow or whatever, a "hi" wouldn't be out of the question would it?

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Traditional gals don't pay for early dates.


Great observation. You've been friend-zoned. It's happened to all of us.


A great way to look at things, as my former girlfriend said....if it's meant to be, it's meant to be.


Yes it stings, it's a shot to the ego, but you'll be fine whatever happens.

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A-little-blue...you're not helping!!! haha....that is exactly the thought I have/had that is putting me in this dilemma.


I've left it in her court...I can only "chase" for so long...after 3 good dates (at least from my perspective) I could at least expect some contact initiated by her...either text, phone call, etc. So maybe she contact me, maybe she won't, but that should tell me if she is at least interested a bit more than I think she is now. Traditional/slow or whatever, a "hi" wouldn't be out of the question would it?


No it isn't out of the question ... I was just wondering what she meant by "reserved" ... not that I would have thought that someone reserved would be up for dating "a lot". Anyways it was just a suggestion and not necessarily the case. I just know that some women are a little reluctant to do the chasing but if you have left the ball in her court then it wouldn't hurt for her to initiate contact next.

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So here's the update...I just let it go and I didn't get a text from her...until today. So no communication for 9 days...then just a "hi" out of nowhere. We texted a few times, then nothing...


I have no idea what this girl wants or is interested in. I can't figure it out. She worked nights and all the long weekend, but not even a text for 9 days??? Now I get a text out of the blue like this...? Is she just looking to "date" for something to do and fill out the nights or is she actually interested? I don't think she is really interested, because any dating situation I was in, there was never a massive communication gap like this.


...so weird...

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So here's the update...I just let it go and I didn't get a text from her...until today. So no communication for 9 days...then just a "hi" out of nowhere. We texted a few times, then nothing...


I have no idea what this girl wants or is interested in. I can't figure it out. She worked nights and all the long weekend, but not even a text for 9 days??? Now I get a text out of the blue like this...? Is she just looking to "date" for something to do and fill out the nights or is she actually interested? I don't think she is really interested, because any dating situation I was in, there was never a massive communication gap like this.


...so weird...


I think she is waiting for you to make all the moves. She contacted you therefore leaving the ball in your court. Regardless of that though, if you find her actions weird, and therefore confusing, and your gut instinct is telling you that she isn't really interested then I would take it that you are not on the same wave length and not for each other.

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if her head ain't in my lap by date 3....she's a prude.


That's what I'm talking about man, I'm not gonna be spending my time and money playing kindergarten games. A woman that's not jumping on top of me by the 3 rd date is IMMEDIATELY substituted. I have too many problems in my life, to be wasting my energy being her "friend" while some other dude is using his fingers, tongue and c.. on her. PLEASE!

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That's what I'm talking about man, I'm not gonna be spending my time and money playing kindergarten games. A woman that's not jumping on top of me by the 3 rd date is IMMEDIATELY substituted. I have too many problems in my life, to be wasting my energy being her "friend" while some other dude is using his fingers, tongue and c.. on her. PLEASE!


If you ain't going down, you gettin out! AMEN brother!! hahah

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if her head ain't in my lap by date 3....she's a prude.


A prude eh? So it couldn't possibly be that she doesn't fancy putting her head in your lap, especially if you're giving off vibes that that is all you want. Most decent girls would want to stay away from guys like that. Eeew!


It doesnt sound as though that is all crusader is after.

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Thanks Darcy! I copied that from a book that a woman wrote (hahah...jk!!


Update on my situation (this thread way back when!)....went out again last night...really good time, had lots of fun, really enjoyed hanging out. Got a text this morning...we'll see how everything goes...I think I have a read on the whole situation now...

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A prude eh? So it couldn't possibly be that she doesn't fancy putting her head in your lap, especially if you're giving off vibes that that is all you want. Most decent girls would want to stay away from guys like that. Eeew!


It doesnt sound as though that is all crusader is after.


why so serious!?! I keed, i keed. i figured the sarcasm of my completely asinine comment would have been sensed...it's all good : )


crusader...have fun!

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