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Self Injury - Can You Help? - Possible Trigger

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Can you help?


We're Debby and Jane and we are counsellors in training. We are both personally touched by self harm and so as part of our counselling diploma we have chosen this for our presentation. Our aim is to dispel the myths and give an honest insight into self injury in an honouring way.


We invite you to share your personal experience and so have listed below some questions and would be grateful if you answer any that you want to.


We don't mean to be patronising, intrusive or disrespectful. We weren't sure how to go about this and are aware that our direct approach may be clumsy. With this in mind we welcome any feedback you have.


Anything shared with us will be treated with care and respect.


1. Gender?


2. Age?


3. What do you consider self injury to be?


4. How long have you self injured?


5. How frequently do you self injure?


6. Are others aware you do this?


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful?


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise?


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after?


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session?


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer?


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way?


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury?


14. Would you like to give up self injury?



Please feel free to add any other information you may like to.


If you would like to email us privately, our email address is debbyandjane@yahoo.co.uk,


Thank you and warm regards

Debby and Jane

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Well helo to you both and welcome.

I guess ill start by answering your questions.



3.i consider self injury to be any form of bodily harm done to yourself by yourself.

4.i have seld injured since i was 12,so about 2 years

5.How often i self injure depends on whether something bad happens,i am in a bad mood,of having a bad week or day.

6.Some of my friends know i self injure,but thats it.

7.Well my friends were very sad when i brought this up to them,but they have been helpful.


9.Well this is of course going to be different for everyone,but for me,usually i will just make a few cuts which wont last long.Before i cut i feel great anger,but after i feel sadness and disgust that i did it.

10.when i feel pain or when i begin to bleed,bad,then i stop.

11.Yes,everyone thinks that people who cut are gothic or punk.I dont like to label people or myself.

12.Self injury is helpful for me.It helps me release my anger pain or w/e.

13.i dont see a therapist

14.I would like to give it up.but its not that easy.

Hope i helped.



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1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 14


3. What do you consider self injury to be? Exactly what it says. When you harm or injure yourself, on purpose.


4. How long have you self injured? 3 or 4 months.


5. How frequently do you self injure? Once or twice a week. Sometimes more or less depending on the week.


6. Are others aware you do this? Some people. About 3 or 4 people.


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? My Mom, doesn't understand I don't think. Most people tell me I should quit and one of my friends is a 'cutter' too. It hasn't been helpful or unhelpful. Probably stayed the same.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? I go to counciling, and I'm getting put on medication.


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? About 30 minutes. How do you feel before, during and after? before-numb. during-numb. after-better.


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? When the skin has sliced open, and I can see it.


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? Yeah, but I ignore them. I don't like labels.


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? Yes it's helpful, that's why I do it. It's a release of everything.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? um....no.


14. Would you like to give up self injury? Yeah, I would. I would like to get out of my black hole called depression too and I'm trying.





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1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 15


3. What do you consider self injury to be? any physical harm done to oneself by oneself


4. How long have you self injured? 5 months


5. How frequently do you self injure? depends


6. Are others aware you do this? i've only told friends here on enotalone and one of my personal friends


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? the one friend i told was quite shocked to find out and th'at made me quite upset. it hasn't been helpful b/c i don't like to reveal things about me and i immedietly regret saying personal things.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? no


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? again depends on the situation...and generally anger, stress, depression and numbness are involved


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? whenever i hear my parent's getting anywhere near my door.


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? yes


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? yes, it's how i release my emotions


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? no, i've never gone to see a therapist


14. Would you like to give up self injury? not at the moment

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  • 2 months later...

1. Gender? female


2. Age? 14


3. What do you consider self injury to be? cutting, burning, hitting, something that makes a mark that lasts


4. How long have you self injured? about 5 months now


5. How frequently do you self injure? about5-7 times a week


6. Are others aware you do this? there are 4 people who know i cut


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? ummmmm........ one person as helped and been very supportive, one has ignored it, and the other two just found out on friday, so i'll find out tomorrow whether they ignore it too or not


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? NO


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? before im just so overwhelmed with everything, during, i can feel all my problems drfting aftay, kinda releasing relaxation , and after, i feel more focused, and relaxed, and i can think properly


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? i dont know, i just keep doing it till its over, or if i bleed alot, then im like omg i need paper towel!


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? freak


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? yes, it helps me relax, get rid of building emotion, i think it keeps me away from suicide


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? i have never had a therapist


14. Would you like to give up self injury? no i need it

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1. Gender: Female


2. Age:16


3. What do you consider self injury to be that breaks skin or leaves a mark for an hour or more.


4. How long have you self injured and off for the past few years.


5. How frequently do you self injure on my mood.


6. Are others aware you do this


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful people freak out. don't 'know if it's helped or not


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise not voulantairly though


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after: 2 or 3 minutes. before: ready to explode during and after relief


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session I feel relaxed I'll stop


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer knows


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way reliever


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury yet but i'm going to leave this therapist if it doesn't help in a few more weeks.


14. Would you like to give up self injury sure

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1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 16


3. What do you consider self injury to be? Infecting pain on yourself.


4. How long have you self injured? i think about 7 months


5. How frequently do you self injure? it depends sometimes a couple times a week.


6. Are others aware you do this? Yeah just a couple of my friends.


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? Well i guess they were kinda upset and its been helpful.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? No


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? anywere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. i feel angry before and during and relived after.


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? After i get most of my anger out.


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? No i'm not.


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? Yes it helps me get everything anger or hurt wise out.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? No never been to one over it.


14. Would you like to give up self injury? I guess if there was something better.

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1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 15


3. What do you consider self injury to be?

purposefully causing harm to yourself to ease emotional issues


4. How long have you self injured?

i started 2 years ago, i got help 8 months later, i stopped cutting for over a year, and have had only one relapse (less than a month ago) since then


5. How frequently do you self injure?

when i did self-injure I did it almost every other night


6. Are others aware you do this?

yes...my mom found out 2 years ago, but only my school therapist know I relapsed.


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful?

my mom totally freaked out, she got very angry at me, making it much harder for me to recover. It took her a long time to get educated about my problem


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise?

i went to a school counselor, which landed me in psychiatric hospitals 3 times for about 3 weeks each time


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after?

it would last anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, depending on how crappy I felt and whether I had the house to myself. before, I almost always felt angry, depressed, frustrated, etc. during, I felt numb and was completely enthralled in the cutting that it made me forget I was upset. Afterwards, I always felt guilty for doing it and potentially hurting my mom. I would get angry at myself and eventually I had to cut again to supress the guilt. It got to a point where I couldn't even feel the pain, but seeing and feeling my skin break was enough.


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session?

once i saw blood, enough blood, then I would stop. I usually had to be at least 1-3 teaspoons of blood...not that I measured or anything


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer?

crazy, freak, a hopeless case, lazy (unwilling to work toward recovery), "bad"


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way?

it was. it made me forget all my crappy feelings. no it doesn't. it isn't worth the guilt.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury?

no. but i did leave a therapist and convince my mom that I was better because the therapist didn't seem equipped to deal with my cutting.


14. Would you like to give up self injury?

already have

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1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 15


3. What do you consider self injury to be? any time of physical harm to yourself


4. How long have you self injured? Since the end of 8th grade. (I'm now in 9th)


5. How frequently do you self injure? It can be every day, more than once a day, a couple times a week, a couple times a month. It varies.


6. Are others aware you do this? Yes.


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? Unhelpful. My father gets very angry- my self injury has removed our relationship, my ex-boyfriend is still trying to fix me, people think I'm crazy...


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? I am on Prozac (anti-depressant) and I see a counselor once a week.


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? It depends on how much I need to cut...maybe only a minute or two, maybe around 10 or 20. I feel really unfunctioning before, then maybe numb, and then i'm totally concentrating on my cutting while I'm doing it, I may be thinking about things while I'm doing it, after I feel tired, calmer.


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? When I don't feel like doing anymore, when I can breathe again, when I feel relaxed.


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? Crazy. Goth. (also because of my black clothing) Psycho. Things like that.


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? Relieves stress, makes me feel better, it's something I can control.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? No...left the first one, didn't like her. 2nd one, loved her, had to stop because of insurance issues. Now on my third...


14. Would you like to give up self injury? No.




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  • 3 weeks later...

1. Female

2. 14

3. i consider self-injury is consciously inflicting harm on one's self

4. i have been self-mutilating for over 3 years now

5. it all depnds on how my day is. its can be up to 2 to 3 times a day to a minimum of onve every two days

6. a lot of poeple are aware that i do this, since i have been cutting for so long. girls in the locker room found out about all the cuts on my stomache when i changed for PE, and then it spread from there.

7.everyone just wants to help. some poeple have tried it becasue of me and i have got them "hooked" too

8. i have been in therapy since i was 7, but i didnt start all my medications till i was about 11. i went to an acute center when i was 11 and i just got out of a residential treatment facitlity in June. i was there for four months.

9. it all depends on how bad im feeling. the more bad im feeling, themore i cut. for example, the last time i cut was tuesday, and i cut slowly for about two hours. i ended up having to get 8 stitches.

10. i know its time to stop a perticular session when i feel satisfied, when i have seen enough blood

11.yes, but i ignore them, they are normally things like, "freak" or "goth" but i sont mind. i love my cutting and thats all that matters

12. sel;f injury has its goods and its bads, and it has taken me 3 and a half years to realize that.


14.hell yes! but i cant. i have tried the best doctors, the newest medications and the neverending support from my family, and all of it is still not enough to help me stop, i wish i could, but i cant

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3.When you do bodily harm to yourself intentionally

4.6 years

5.About 4-6 times a week

6.1 person (my grandpa but hes dead now )

7. Worried. Upset. scared


9.abou 20 min.-1hour

Before----Angry, sad, stressed

After----calm, peaceful, relaxed

10.When Im not angry any more or when Im really relaxed

11.Not to me. But there is a stereotype of self injurers.

12.It is only beneficial short term. For the moment I can get all my emotions out, but long term....NO WAY

13.I have never been to a therapist

14.Honestly, I want to, but I don't think that I could. It is the only way I can cope. If I didn't SI I don't know what I would do.

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before i start, i struggled with self injury for 3 years, at one point i was clean for 6 months, now its 3 months, and i hope for it to continue this way. and i can definitly see myself succeeding.


1. Gender? female

2. Age? 16


3. What do you consider self injury to be? intentionally harming yourself


4. How long have you self injured? i used to and it was for 3 years


5. How frequently do you self injure? when it got bad i did it atleast 2-4 times a week


6. Are others aware you do this? yes


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? some were open, some were weirded out and thought i was a psycho. but it made me feel good when my friends asked me cause i knew they wanted to understand and were trying to atleast.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? therapy, i now go every other wednesday


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? hmm, the physical cutting took about 10 minutes. before i was so angry, hurt, and had all this rage. after i felt so relaxed and reassured


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? when i feel ive done enough


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? psycho, freak, suicidal, attention-seeking


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? it was


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? no


14. Would you like to give up self injury? for the most part i already have

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  • 1 year later...

1. female

2. 46

3. hurting yourself on purpose

4. 34 years off and on

5. depends on my stress level

6. no

7. not applicable

8. no

9. about 10 minutes, i feel like a tight wound up ball ready to explode into anger or tears depending on what's going on. during i feel a sense of relief and calm. after i feel guilt and fear someone will figure me out.

10. when it starts to hurt too much or when someone walks into where i'm doing it.

11. crazy, oversensitive

12. very helpful, brings me back to where i need to be

13. never told a therapist

14. no, not now


Being an older self-injurer makes me feel even more isolated. Sometimes it just confirms my feelings of going crazy.

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1. Gender? female


2. Age? 14


3. What do you consider self injury to be? doing something harmful to your body(ie cutting burning etc)


4. How long have you self injured?


5. How frequently do you self injure? whenever i need relief


6. Are others aware you do this? some people not many


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? most people just dont get it and ignore it others try to help but threaten to do things to themself if i do it neither of these help


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? yes shrink and i hated it


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? an hour i guess... before bored during unhelpable and after unhelpable


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? when my shrink said ok we are done here


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? Emo is the big one


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? yes it helps me express my emotions and not get slapped for it


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? yes more than once


14. Would you like to give up self injury? yes

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1. Gender? female


2. Age? almost 16.


3. What do you consider self injury to be? intentionally inflicting pain on yourself.


4. How long have you self injured? on and off for four years.


5. How frequently do you self injure? When it's bad, every night. Other times I can go weeks.


6. Are others aware you do this? Two of my friends.


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? One empathises with me. The other doesn't say anything. They're both helpful in their own way.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? I went to a counsellor the first time and she helped. I haven't seen one since.


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? It's like a pressure building up throughout the day. I get angry and frustrated and then do it, each session lasts about ten minutes. Then I either feel better or hate myself more afterwards.


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? When I run out of skin, anymore and it would be too noticeable.


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? Emo.


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? It allows me to forget everything. Emptying all the problems into slashes, which are easier to deal with.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? no.


14. Would you like to give up self injury? Yes and No. Right now I do, I've been clean for 2 weeks.

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heyz guyz! Great to hear your trying to help other I wish you both the best of luck! And here are my answers:


1. Gender? female


2. Age? 15


3. What do you consider self injury to be? Anything thats will course harm to yourself intentionally!


4. How long have you self injured? 3 years on and off... im on the off stage at the moment... i hope it stays that way


5. How frequently do you self injure? when i did i did it everynight sometimes two or three times a day... but many cuts at once!!!


6. Are others aware you do this?yes


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? Each person has there own story to this... some of my friends were great but very very few! Most just hit me or hurt me more, i know it was ment to be a kind of wake up but instead it just hurt me more... I felt like i deserved it and like i was letting my few friends down!


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? i asked a few friends for left... all left me or couldnt help me.


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? well before i did it i felt like no one would understand me... The hurt all built up and the anger to! I just needed to get out of this world go somewhere where i dont listen to my family and friends fight where i didnt have all the responsiblitys. Somewhere that i could be myself and never feel worthless again! Then during during it i fee so angry like i want to kill something... anything and then regret moves in and takes over. I hate myself for doing and wish i could take it all back... Unless i'm really depressed then i either feel proud i cut so deep or depressed that it wasnt deep enough; mainly the second one!


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? When i hear someone walking towards my room when my arm/leg is bleeding quite a bit, when im so upset i start crying and can't hold the blade anymore... or simply when i run outa time and i gotta run!


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? yes and i hate them! No one feels my pain so they shouldnt judge me!


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? yeah, it helps with the pain for at least a little while.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? not a therapist


14. Would you like to give up self injury? Everyday i wish i could look at sharp objects the same as everyone else... and not as carving tools that relieve my pain!

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Hi there. My girlfriend (soon to be fiance') is a nursing student and she's going to be working in the mental health feild so she understands what we all go through. She was also a cutter so she understands all too well.


1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 18


3. What do you consider self injury to be? Any form of harm to yourself, whether physical or mental.


4. How long have you self injured? On and off for 8 years


5. How frequently do you self injure? Sometimes I couldn't go a few hours without it, other times I could go months. It's been a few weeks since I last cut and I don't want to do it ever again.


6. Are others aware you do this? Yes, too many people. I don't like to be known as the cutter, but I am by some.


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? Most have been supportive and have helped me by teaching me techniques to concentrate on others things. ome have been a little weird about it though, but I'm not surprised at that.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? Yes. I'm looking into finding another counsellor.


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? Usually about 3 hours. 1 hour contemplating it and thinking about the consequences and trying to stop myself. 1 hour actually doing it, feeling utterly helpless. 1 hour just watching the bleeding and feeling like a lump of nothing. Although this is what usually happens it can vary.


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? Once I'm in enough pain and I can see enough blood.


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? Yeah, as said in Q6 I was labelled at "the cutter".


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? It can be but the con's far outweigh the pro's. It's helpful because it stops you thinking about all the bad things. You just think about the pain.


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? Yes. She asked me what the worst thing I'd ever done to myself was and I told her (I'm not repeating it) and she literally had to leave the room to be sick.


14. Would you like to give up self injury? Yes. I would love to close that door in my life.


I hope this helps.

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  • 3 months later...

1. female


2. 18


3. deliberately hurting yourself to feel better or punish yourself


4. 7 years


5. about once a day


6. only a few very close friends


7. How have others responded to your self injury? some people are very rude about it, why cant you just be normal ect...my mum kicked me out of home when she found out.


8. yes. i had a councellor, then a psychologist. and i was in hospital for a while after i OD'd


9. it lasts until i am satisfied. before i feel insane and cant keep my head straight and very emotional. during i feel proactive, like im doing something about the way i feel, and after i feel calm. sleepy even.


10. when i feel calm


11. yes. slasher, emo, pain * * * *, freak and then all the usuals.


12. it is helpful. it keeps me alive. i self injure to keep calm and focused, without it id be a wreck


13. no


14. yes. but i have yet to find something that works half as well to keep me calm

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1. Gender? Female


2. Age? 15


3. What do you consider self injury to be? Bodily harm to oneself


4. How long have you self injured? 2-3 years


5. How frequently do you self injure? a couple times a month. it used to be much, much worse


6. Are others aware you do this? only a few others


7. How have others responded to your self injury? Has this been helpful or unhelpful? They were either very supportive or just sort of made it obvious that they were creeped out by it.


8. Have you ever sought help, medical or otherwise? i am currently seeing a therapist, psychiatrist, and i am on medication


9. How long does a self injury session usually last? How do you feel before, during and after? it seems to last forever, but in reality only a couple minutes. i feel depressed before, numb during, and relieved after


10. How do you know when it's time to stop a particular session? The feeling to stop just sort of comes with it. You just know when to stop


11. Are you aware of any labels attached to you as a self injurer? no, not everybody knows


12. Is self injury helpful to you? In what way? it helped me get through a lot, helped me deal with a lot of different problems that nobody else would or could help me with. it relieved the emotional stress and helped me become distracted


13. Have you ever lost a therapist because s/he couldn't deal with your self-injury? no


14. Would you like to give up self injury? it depends. many times yes, many times no

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